9: A Familiar Site, Dreams, and Bitterness

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Stranded Chapter 9

Niall's P.O.V:

"Rise and shine Blondie and Rose." I heard the sound of the awful, loud, and familiar voice I've grown to hate with a passion. I groaned and rolled over onto my stomach. I opened my eyes and looked up as the door slammed open and Cameron walked in with a smug grin. Rose and I sat up to wake ourselves up.

"You know. You should clean up more. It's starting to get messy," he said and kicked some sand out of the hut. "Yeah. . . well we are not expecting guest. Should I clean and cook us a feast?" I spoke with sarcasm. "Someone is not a morning person," he muttered. "Tell me about it," Rose said, giggling. Her giggles put me in a better mood, but the thought of Cameron being here had boiled my anger.

"How did you find us?" I grumbled. "Your foot prints led me here," he said, smirking. I rolled my eyes and kicked my feet out off of the bed. I stood up and walked past him and out of the open door. My feet hit the sand and sunk from my weight. I rubbed my eyes and blinked a few times, adjusting my eyes to the sunlight. Then, I walked to my vans and pulled them on my feet.

"I'll be right back. I'm going for a walk to find some things," I announced to them who were inside. I began walking down the shoreline and to the direction of east, I was ninety percent sure of it. Another day has come by and no one has showed up, yet. My hopes for a rescue were set too high.

I stopped walking and looked out at the water. I shield my eyes as I scanned out at the sea. There was no sign of any boats, planes, or anything to come rescue us. One day I am hoping I will look out and there will be someone. But as of now there is no one.

My lips let out a small sigh and I continued on with my walk. A few miles away from the camp, the known surroundings came into view and I stopped before the massive crash site that stood before me. The blood on the shredded seats and metal had dried up and turned a dark color. The trees were knocked down and smashed, people's belongings were scattered, and the plane was split in half with one end on one side and the other near the water. Wires hung loose from the top. It was terrifying to look at. It brought back all the horrifying memories. I shuddered and shook my head to clear those thoughts.

There was a loud gasp from behind and the annoying voice saying: "What happened here?" I jumped in surprise and turned around to face a curious Cameron. "How did you find me here? You're not suppose to be here," I spat. "Chill out Blondie. I followed you here," he said, shrugging as if it was no big deal. "Go back to Rose and pretend you did not see anything," I said, shooing him off. "I'm not leaving until I receive answers," he said. "What is this plane doing here? Is this how you and Rose arrived?"

I sighed and nodded. "We were in a plane crash when we were coming back from our vacation. Now. . . can you go?" I snapped. He held his hands up in defense. "I'm a curious man," he said, "are you and Rose dating?" There was fake smile playing on his lips. I frowned and shook my head. "No." "Oh really?" His smile grew wider. "But you can't have her or go after her," I said through gritted teeth. "Who said I was going after her?" His smile was replaced with a mischievous smirk.

"By the looks of it I know you are," I said. "Someone is jealous. Does little blondie have a crush on Rose?" he cooed, pinching my cheeks. I slapped his hands away and backed away from him. "Two things. . . First: I'm taller than you. And second: No, it is complicated," I whispered at the end with a sad expression. My features instantly soften at the good memories of Rose and me. "How so?" he asked. "That's something you don't need to know," I said. "Will you please go and forget what you saw?" I asked, becoming angry again.

"Alright! Alright! I will be back with Rose," he said with a shrug of his shoulders before walking back. After he was no longer in sight, I instantly relaxed and looked at the plane. I walked towards it and climbed on top of a long wall of rocks. My feet wandered to the split end of the plane and I carefully walked inside. With every step I took the plane would creak and make squeaking noises.

Stranded | Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now