13: Surprise Attacks and Being a Hero

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Stranded Chapter 13

Rose' P.O.V:

Niall, Cameron, and I lain in silence under the twinkling stars and leered at the night sky. The sound of the waves crashing and the soft, soothing breaths we took was the only sound audible on the platform we were upon. I was in between the two brawny me whom lain besides me. Cameron had his hand laying dangerously close to my hand and Niall had his hand in the same position as Cameron but on the opposite side of me. I looked between the two hands before up at the stars.

I blew out a loud puff of air. "You know. . ." Cameron began. Niall and I looked at the open-minded man. "I actually like it here." Cameron turned on his side to look at the two of us. "It's peaceful, quiet, relaxing, and you don't have to worry about anything. It's more like a long vacation," he said. "With three teenagers," Niall said. "It actually is relaxing. I am definitely going to come back with a nice dark tan," I said, cracking a joke. Cameron chuckled and said, "Isn't it beautiful- the scenery?"

"It is," I breathed. "Isn't it Niall?" He snapped out of his wonders and looked over at me. "Is what?" he asked, completely clueless to my question. I giggled and said, "Isn't the scenery beautiful?" "Oh." His cheeks turned red from embarrassment. "Yes, it's beautiful here even though I love it, I still miss home," he whispered in a soft and trembling voice, his lips fell into a frown. My smile faded as I saw how sad he is.

He turned over, facing away from Cameron and I. "Niall," I said as I rested my hand on his arm. He didn't say anything; he didn't move. I sighed and said, "I know you miss home. I do too but I promise you we will get off this island." "I doubt it. We may be stranded here until we die," he said. I shook my head, and rested my head on his shoulder. His body tensed up but had relaxed and his hand grasp mine in his large ones. "Don't think like that. We will get off," I said low. I pushed some strands of blonde hair out of his face and made him look at me.

"I promise," I murmured. He looked at me with sadness. His crystal blue eyes reminded me of the ocean. They were filled with mystery and beauty. He didn't say anything, but he looked away. I sighed and fell back on my back. "Don't worry. He will come back around," Cameron whispered. I nodded and said, "I'm tired. I think I will go to sleep." "You do that. I will stay up for a bit. Go to sleep love," Cameron said as he kiss the top of my head.

My cheeks turned a crimson color as I quickly buried my head in my arms. I rolled over onto my stomach and rested my head on my arms. I closed my eyes; falling asleep to the sound of the waves and the Palm trees swaying in the wind.


I woke up to a bunch of noises. I opened my eyes, but before quickly shaded my eyes as the sun shined bright, making hard for me to see. Cameron was running out from the trees, screaming. I covered my mouth from laughing as he wiped his arms and twitched. "Cameron?" I giggled. His head shot up to my direction as he stood there in shock. "Why are you screaming?" I asked with a teasing smile. "There was a spider," he admit, hanging his head low.

I broke out in a fit of giggles and snorts. "It isn't funny," he pouted. "It was this big!" he exclaimed as he showed my how big the spider was with his hands. "That's so small. Quit being histrionic," I marveled. "Let's see you walk into a spiderweb and see a huge spider crawl towards you with hate in its eyes," he said. I stopped laughing and looked at him, blinking a few times in wonder. "Oh don't pout! Turn that frown upside down," I said and poked his cheek. He laughed and swatted my hand away.

"Anyways where is Niall?" I asked. His smiled faded as he shifted uncomfortably. "He left early this morning," he said. "Oh! Okay," I said. I shrugged it off and walked to the camp fire to see there was a bunch of bananas, clams, and mussels. I picked up a banana and peeled it open, but before I could enjoy my food Niall had ran out of the trees with shaky hands and heavy, fast breathing. I suppressed a laugh and said, "What? Is there a spider?" "Hey!" Cameron exclaimed from behind, causing me to roll my eyes.

Niall's eyes was evident with panic and anxiety as he frantically shook his head. He picked me up, threw me over his shoulder, and continued to run. I let out a high pitch scream by the sudden movement. "Cameron, you better run!" Niall yelled. Cameron stood there, clearly dumb-ford about what is happening. "Niall, what is your-" I stopped talking as a huge, mighty gorilla ran out of the trees and tumbled against the trees.

Cameron's eyes widen and he ran after us. "Niall," I paused. "What did you do?!" "Don't ask," he simply stated in terror. He ran fast than his feet could carry him until we came to a tall tree which stood at least fifty feet. "I don't think trees will help. Monkeys climb!" I panicked. "Gorillas can't climb trees. Their weight is too heavy now hurry," he said, holding out his hand in a stunt position. I stepped on his hand and boosted my self up. I climbed up the tree to about fifteen feet off the ground.

I looked ahead to see Cameron not far behind. "Cameron!" I screamed as I watched how close the gorilla was to him. I began to climb down but Niall stopped me from moving a branch down. "Stay up there and I will go get him," he ordered. I nodded and obeyed his commands. Then, he ran after Cameron to help him live. I watched, knowing no human can out run a gorilla. Niall reached Cameron and went behind him. He pushed Cameron in the back to make him run quicker and faster.

I gripped onto the trunk of the tree; I was scared to know will will happen next. They ran fast but not fast enough. The powerful gorilla who was thirty feet away from the two boys that meant the world to me. To their luck they reached the tree, and Niall help boosted Cameron up off from his hands. Cameron reached a branch pulled himself up, and bent down; lending Niall his hand down to help him up. Niall gripped Cameron's hand but let go as he saw the gorilla coming closer.

"Hurry!" I yelled. Niall shook his head. "Stay here! I can't climb trees," he said and he ran towards the jungle of trees. "Niall!" I screamed out with a sob. "Take care of her Cameron!" Niall yelled. Cameron nodded, too stunned to process what idiotic thing Niall was doing.

Niall disappear through the trees with the gorilla right at his feet. I couldn't see his figure anymore and I became worried. I quaked at the horrible thoughts that ran through my mind. My body could not keep it in any longer and so I burst into tears. Cameron wrapped a comforting arm around me and rubbed my back in small, soothing circle. He whispered soft, kind words in my ear to calm me down. I didn't say anything. Instead, I cuddled into his arms and cried.

Will Niall be okay? Or will he die trying to save our lives?

A/n: Sorry for the late update! I've been a bit busy with school and finishing up FFY. Just a few things I want to clear up. I am writing two new books so make sure to check them out soon! Also I will only be updating on the weekend because of school! Next chapter shall be up soon!(:

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