Epilogue: A Celebration and a Surprise

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Stranded Epilogue

Rose's P.O.V:

Today is the day. It's a very "special" day. It has officially been a month since Niall and I have been stranded. Niall calls it special and for that we are celebrating it here on a cruise ship. We both thought that a plane wasn't a very good idea since what happened last time we went on vacation on a plane. A cruise was a much better option. Especially, if we are going to the Caribbean!

I sat in front of the mirror; playing with the ring on my finger. My reflection stared back at me. I stared blankly back at myself with so many things running through my mind. What if we sink? What if we don't make it out alive? Is there enough life boats? I've been worried ever since the plane crash. Plus there was Titanic.

I heard the door open and shut. A head of brown hair came into view and I couldn't help but let a smile fall on my face. "Everyone is waiting. I came to check in on you. Is everything fine?" he asked. He looked at me through the mirror reflection with his shoulders slump. I spun around in my seat and smiled at him. I gave him a small nod. "Yeah. . . I'm only thinking about things," I confessed. He walked over to me and crouched down to my level. He took my hands in his and said, "We will not sink. We have enough life boats. We will make it out alive if we even do sink." "How did you know I was thinking that?" I asked in surprise. "Rose, we had this same conversation when we first arrive on the cruise."

He let out a laugh. "Come on now. Everyone is waiting. There is a party going on up deck and I want to try the food," he said as he stood up and walked towards the door. I laughed and followed after him, closing the door behind me. "Only if you carry me, Aussie." I winked. He threw his head back in laughter and crouched down. I jumped on his back. "I take it as you caught on with the nickname from Blondie," he said without giving it a second thought.

"Of course. I grinned at him as we made our way to the lift. We passed by many tan cabin doors before we exit out into the lobby area by the stairs and lift. He pushed the up button to call the lift. "Is everyone up on the top deck?" I asked. "Yes. Niall is at the food bar. Harry and Liam are in the pool. Zayn and Louis are running around the deck doing whatever that are doing," he said. "Niall told me to check on you," he said, "he was worried about why you were taking so long." "I get it. A girl can't get ready alone without being interrupted by her worried boyfriend," I joked.

He just chuckled in response. I jumped down from his back and walked in front of him once the lift arrived The lift doors opened and we walked in. Cameron pushed deck fourteen before the doors shut closed. "This is so much better than a plane," I said. "Why? You don't like crashing?" he teased. "Oh it was exciting!" I played along. He laughed and shook his head.

"Crashing in a plane was scarier than I thought it would be. When I was younger, I thought it would be adventurous. I thought wrong," he said. "How would it be adventurous? It's terrifying. I thought that I was going to die and I wouldn't make it out," I said. "I was young. . . remember that," he pointed out. "I can see your point." I nodded. "You can?" he asked, amazed. "No." I shook my head.

The lift doors opened and we walked out into the hallways. We walked pass the many doors of deck fourteen before we exited out through clear, heavy glass door. You were hit by the heat, humid sea breeze and the loud music playing out on the deck. I saw Harry in his bright yellow swim shorts and Liam in his red swim shorts. They were on the edge of the pool playing volleyball. Harry was screaming and shouting things at each point he won, then he would bump into Liam once in awhile. Then, I saw Zayn and Louis running around the deck squirting water guns at each other and at some workers.

Cameron left to go join Harry and Liam in a game of volleyball. One person was no where to be seen- Niall. I didn't see any familiar blonde hair in sight. That was until I felt arms wrap around my waist. I jumped and turned around to be faced with my wonderful man. He was standing there with a wide open smile. His blue eyes glinted with happiness. "Hello Niall," I said, kissing his cheek. "There you are! I thought you'd never come out," he teased. In return, he gave my cheek a kiss.

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