3: Waking up and Having Regrets

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Stranded Chapter 3

Rose's P.O.V:

The roaring and crashing of the waves and the squawking of the seagulls had woken me up. I woke up with a bad headache and I felt sick to my poor stomach. I was fatigue and extremely hungry. When my eyes opened everything was blurry, so I had to close them again. I was confused at where I was. I was alone and scared of my surrounding.

"Ow," I moaned in pain. I grabbed my head and rubbed my temples to calm my headache. I reopened my eyes and blinked a few times until my vision was normal again. My eyes scanned the area around me to see I was laying on a boulder on a very nice beach. The palm trees swayed in the breeze and the waves crashed on the sandy shore.

"Where am I?" I mumbled to myself. I do not remember anything that had happened. Everything was obscure to me. I did not recognize the beach, I did not know where I was, and no one was around me to help. My mind was thinking the worse: I was stranded. It looked like I was on an island. Maybe a deserted one?

I carefully stood up and jumped off the boulder and landed on the sand below me. My feet began to wander down the shore. I took the time, while I was walking, to observe myself. My clothes were slightly ripped in the jeans and shirt. My jeans and tank top were reusable, but my denim jacket was shredded to pieces. There was no back besides a few stranded of fabric and the sleeves were shredded in half.

I touched my head and winced from the pain that shot through my head. It felt as of someone held my head and repeatedly hit my head in the same spot. Next, I touched my lip to feel that it was split open and dry blood surrounded the swollen area. I touched my eye to feel that it was sensitive and also swollen. Dry blood ran down the side of my head.

I continued to walk, not knowing where I was going. I kicked some sand as I walked along the shoreline. The sand flew in the air before falling down and blending with the other tiny pieces of crushed rock. Baby sea turtles were strolling across the sand to get to the water. I stepped over each of the, and continued on my way to a more safe place. Coconuts laid scattered across the sand by a palm tree, so I ran over to them and picked one up before I walked over to the nearest rock. I lifted the small brown coconut in the air and slammed it on the rock below me. With a loud smack and the sound of it cracking, it split in half. I grinned in triumph.

"Who knew that actually worked? I thought it only worked in the movies," I said, chuckling to myself. I drank every last drop from the coconut. It had a sweet taste that I didn't quite like but I was too thirsty to care and I drank the rest. I tossed the coconut shell aside after I finished drinking it, then I continued to walk. I didn't know what I was going to do. What is there to do? The important question is: what is going to happen to me?

The smell of cooked fish filled my nostrils, causing my stomach to grumble in hunger. The rest of the way I ran down the shoreline until I saw an unfamiliar blonde hair boy, who was cooking fish on a stick over an open fire. I slowly walked up to him, not wanting to alarm him.

"Excuse me?" He quickly turned around and I was met with bright blue eyes that was evident with surprise and relief. "Rose, you're awake!" he exclaimed in delight. His face broke out in a huge grin as he ran over to me and pulled me in a tight hug. Fear shot through my body and so I pushed him away, terrified of what will happen if I let him hug me.

"P- Please. Don't hurt me," I pleaded. My mother's face appeared in my mind and her words echoing in my thoughts: "Do not show fear. Never back down and show them that you are tougher then they think you are." I clenched my fist and frowned at the stranger.

Niall's P.O.V:

I looked at her with confusion before hesitantly walking closer. I was afraid that she will run away if I stepped any closer. "Don't," she warned. "Rose?" I looked at her with a blank expression. I felt rejected by her. "If you come any closer then I will have to hurt you," she spat. I continued to walk closer until she stomped on my foot. I heard a crunching noise and I felt my heartbeat in my foot.

I yelped in pain and grabbed my sore foot as I jumped up and down. Then, she elbowed me in the stomach which took my breath away and for me to let out a loud gasp. I clutched my stomach in misery. "The next step will end with my knee hitting you where you do not want to be kneed in," she threatened. "Rose, calm down," I said in a high, strained voice. She looked at me and said nothing. I held my hand in the air to let her know I meant her no harm. Then, those next few words crushed me. It had hurt me when she said these words. It hurt more than the psychical pain she gave me. This had struck me mentally. I've never thought I would hear her say those next few words. Those three words I hoped she would never say. My knees buckled and I almost broke down right there and cried. I hope right this was only a dream and she didn't say those words.

Those words had ended up happening. The words that I regret so much had came true.

"Who are you?"

A/n: Chapter 3 my lovelies! I'm going to call you that now. Ok? ok. So what do you think will happen next chapter? Anyways! The trailer for stranded is on the side and in external link and its on YouTube so check it out! It took me forever to make! So I hope you enjoy!

Stranded | Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now