8: A Little Bit of Australian, Enviness, and Fights

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Stranded Chapter 8

Niall's P.O.v:

Mine and Rose's scream echoed through out the surrounding area. We ran back away from the corpse and tumbled on the soft sand. "This can't be happening. This can't be happening! Oh my. That was someone's Skelton!" Rose screamed. "Please tell me you see it as well." "I see it!" I yelled with a horrified expression. Someone jumped out from a rock which was besides us. We screamed and crawled back.

The person was an Australian teenage boy who looked around our age. He wore skinny jeans that were rolled up at the ends, he wore a muscle shirt which had a chest pocket and was torn, and he wore a red bandana that is wrapped around his head. His hair was a dark brown, flatten, and was dirty from not showering for weeks. He was slightly taller than Rose. In his right hand he held a sharp machete up in defense and he looked as if he was going to attack us.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" he asked. Rose and I stood up to our feet, she hid behind me in fear. "Put the huge machete down and we will talk," I ordered. "I'd feel more safe with the weapon," the man said. "Well, we will feel more safe if you didn't have the killing weapon," I said. "Touché," he said he furrowed his eyebrows. He slowly placed the machete down on the sand, but kept it near him.

The three of us looked back and forth at each other with wonder and curiosity. "Who are you and how long have you been here?" he asked. "Not so fast. Let's start off with the Skelton," I snapped out of frustration. "Oh that?" He chuckled. "That's fake," he explained. "Then explain the awful smell," Rose said, quivering in disgust.

"That is only some dead animals which I keep forgetting to get rid of. I heard screaming and saw the two of you on the cliff. I decided I wanted to scare you away, but I guess it didn't work," he said. "Are you alone?" I asked. "Of course blondie," he said, smirking. I frowned at the obnoxious nickname. "How long have you been here?" Rose asked. He turned and looked at her with a smile that made me feel of envious. "Almost a month. Not that long," he said. "Wow! You've been alone for a month on a deserted island. How can you survive for that long?" she asked with astonishment.

"It's nothing. . . really," he said, sounding proud. "What is your name for a beautiful lady like you?" he asked. Rose blushed and looked away, stepping away from me and to the man. My eyes widen and I quickly awkwardly coughed before Rose can say anything. The two of them looked at me with strange looks for a moment. "Okay. . . We should be getting back to our own little hut. It was nice talking to you, stranger," I said. "Oh come on! Stay for a little bit. Let's get to know each other since we are all stranded," he said. "Yeah! Come on. We should get together and work together," Rose said, agreeing with Aussie.

I looked at her with utter shock. "But we don't even know him," I defended. "We been through this before. Right Niall? We should get to know him. It is all about learning and meeting new people. Please," Rose pleaded. "I agree with Miss Beautiful. Come on blondie. Having new people is a better surviving skill," Aussie said. I looked between the two.

I debated between myself for a few seconds before I gave up and nodded with an exasperated groan. They both grinned from ear to ear. "That was a good choice, Blondie," he said. "Yeah whatever. And stop calling me blondie," I grumbled. "No promises," he said, giggling. We walked over to his hut and sat down in front of the pile of burnt wood from the once lit fire. "Does anyone want some fish?" he asked. He held out a huge, meaty fish by a string. "Of course! All we have been having was tuna and bananas," Rose said with excitement. She let out a loud laugh.

"At least you will have something different," he said with a small smirk playing on his lips. "What are your names? Mine is Cameron," he said. "I'm Rose and this is Niall," Rose said, smiling. I frowned as the two talked. Jealously boiled through my veins. Anger lit inside of me. "That is a pretty name for a beautiful girl," he flirted. His left eye dropped into a wink.

I wish I could murder him right now for flirting with Rose, but I know I can't for two reasons. One: it's wrong to murder. And two: Rose isn't mine anymore. "How long have you two been here for?" Cameron asked as he leaned back and crossed his arms over his broad chest. "A few days now. Almost a week. . . I think," Rose said, scratching the side of her head. "What happened? How did you two get here?" he continued to interrogate us. "I am not sure, right Niall?" she questions. "Right. . ." I trailed off, I nervously let out a fake laugh. Cameron raised an eyebrow at me before laughing out loud, causing me to become angry.

"What's so funny?" I asked through clench teeth, clenching my fist in a tight ball. "Take it easy Blondie. It is nothing." He raised his hands in defense. "Blondie has a name," I spat. "Niall, what's wrong?" Rose asked, her eye brows furrowed with worry. I instantly relaxed at her concerning voice. "Nothing," I whispered with a sigh.

"Well if you don't mind, Rose and I will be heading back now. Thank you for dinner but we best be going," I said. I stood up and pulled Rose up. She looked up at me with a blank expression. "What-" "Anyways. . . good night Cameron. We may see you around," I lied. I pulled Rose away from a very perplexed Cameron.

With our luck we found a short cut and took that instead of climbing up the cliff. We walked down a hill and through the familiar path I've grown to memorize. Then, after a ten minute walk, we emerged out of the bushes and into the opening to see our little camp site. For the rest of the way I jogged to the hut and before I entered the bamboo built shelter, I kicked off my vans and walked in. Rose closely behind me and followed me in.

"What's your deal?" she snarled. "My deal? I have no problems," I said, frowning. "Why did we leave? I thought we were staying," she whined. "No, we aren't. I rather be over here then with Mr. Dreamy because I have an Australian accent," I said, copying Cameron's accent. "He was being kind and friendly," she defended. "Yeah, a little too friendly," I scoffed under my breath. "What?" she asked. "Nothing," I said, shaking my head. "I thought this was about survival. We need more people to survive," she said. "Not always," I replied to her comment. "Whatever," she huffed and rolled into her bed. Another word was not spoken.

I let out a sigh and went into my bed. I fell in a quiet and relaxing sleep with many jumbled thoughts on my mind.

A/n: Last update tonight! So Cameron is the new cast of the story. I added him in and Jai Brooks will be playing Cameron. You will be seeing a little more of Cameron later on in the story(; Haha update shall be soon!(:

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