4: Forgetting, Break Downs, and the List

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Stranded Chapter 4

Niall's Pov:

"Who are you?" she asked. I could not believe this. This could not be happening. All of our memories can't be. . . gone? We shared too much with each other. I beg that this was all a dream and we were still on the plane flying home. My words could not have come true. It isn't possible.

"Who are you?" she repeated, more aggressively. "Do you mean. . . you don't remember me?" I asked. She shook her head no. "I'm sorry, but should I?" she asked. "Uh. . ." I began. I don't know what to say. What could I say? Tears threaten to fall, but I quickly wiped them away. I couldn't cry. At least not right now. She raised an eyebrow at me as she waited for a reply. "Yeah," I answered. True. "Oh! I don't know what to say," she admit. "It's alright," I mumbled. "Are we friends or what?" she asked. "Yes," I said. Lie. "What happened? Why are we here?" she asked. "I'll explain everything later. For dinner tonight I hope you like fish," I said, trying to make conversation.

"Shouldn't you know if I do or not?" she asked. "I mean if you were truly my friend." Oh right! Yeah I do, I am sorry. You do I. . . uh. . . thought- never mind," I said. I mentally slapped myself for being stupid and ridiculous. I was so nervous. "So, I'm going to go catch some fish. You can stay here if you want or do what ever you like," I said, smiling. "I'll go look for like fruit or something," she mumbled, awkwardly.

I nodded and walked away. Who am I kidding? I already caught fish this morning. When she came I was cooking fish. I needed to clear my head and get away from her to keep my heart from breaking even more. I cannot be near her with out breaking down in tears. While she was knocked out for the past three days, I wandered around the island and found a cliff that I like going to. I go there to have a place to think. It was so peaceful there. That is why I like it. The waves would crash against the rocks, the palm trees would be swaying, the ocean mist would hit my skin, and the smell of the salt water in the ocean would fill my nose. It's relaxing.

I walked through the trees and bushes, following the path I made for me to remember where I go and to come back. I shoved my hands in my jean pockets as I walked. My vans were getting dirty from the mixture of the sand and dirt. My clothes were shredded from the crashing and the bushes in my surrounding from my clothes being hooked onto a branch then being torn. Up in the trees, the birds were chirping and communicating with each other. I heard animals nearby. They were rustling and running through the trees.

I made my way up the small dirt hill that lead to the cliff. It was a steep hill with dirt sliding down with each step I took. I pushed past trees as I hiked. Now, I can hear the sound of the waves crashing against the black rocks below the cliff. I stepped onto the solid rock of the cliff and I let out a frustrated sigh. Once at the edge, I kicked some rocks and pulled at my hair in frustration. I picked up a rock from the floor and chucked it out at the water.

I was in pure rage. My fists were clenched in tight balls at my sides. I would unclenched them then clenched them again. Over and over again I did. I paced back in forth from one edge to the other edge. I let out a mighty scream and punched a nearby palm tree. I felt the skin break apart at my knuckles and blood began to trickle down my arm. The physical pain did not hurt as much as the emotional pain I had.

How could she forget about me? All the memories we shared together were gone. The memories of the day I asked her to be my girl friend, our first date, our first kiss, and the day she moved in with me was all gone. Nothing was kept. It was gone. Why did I have to wish something so stupid and regretful? It was out of anger. I didn't mean what I said. Now, I lost her. . . forever. She doesn't remember me at all. Will she ever? I couldn't take it. My body shook and I began to cry. I walked to the edge and sat down with my feet dangling off the cliff. I buried my face in my hands and sobbed. I'm so stupid to ever think of her forgetting me.

I reached out and touched the ground. "I'm right here," I mumbled to myself. "I can't be asleep. This is real. Not a dream. We crashed. I am here on the island and not on the plane," I said. I cried more and more. "Please no. . . It can't be," I sobbed. I am stuck on an island with my girlfriend--ex-girlfriend--who doesn't even remember me. I remember waking up in the plane and seeing everyone in panic mode. I remember seeing the plane ripped to shreds. I remember everything was broken and torn apart when I woke up. The seats were shredded, the plane was in different parts that were broken off, and everyone's belongings were scattered everywhere. Rose was still unconscious on my lap. She was knocked out completely. I looked around to see everyone was dead and hanging lifeless. Some of the passengers had pieces of the plane through them. Others didn't. They died from the impact. Or from the plane parts.

I had a few cuts and bruises, but nothing too serious. I fractured my wrist and I had to wrap it up. I remember we were high off the ground. At least fifteen feet in the air, we were sitting in the shredded seat of the plane. I had to unbuckle us and we had to fall to the ground. I fell on my back and had Rose land in top of me, so she would not be badly injured. It hurt to hit the sand but not as bad as the impact, from what I remember. I had to create shelter and set up a camp fire.

Now, here I am and I am not having fun. I looked out at the ocean and wiped my puffy red eyes. "I can't give up," I whispered to myself. I have to do everything in my power to help us survive. I do not know how long we will be stuck here for. I know that I can't tell Rose about the crash especially that I'm dating her and was going to propose to her (that is a different story for another time), yet. It's too much and too soon for her to know.

I stood up with shaky legs. I will figure out a few things while I will wander around. Before Rose had awaken, I found a few helpful things. I found a camera, some few supplies, and some of our clothes. With the camera, thought I could record everything that was happening here on the island. I also figured that tomorrow I will go look for more things that are helpful for us. Anyways, that is not important right now. There are a few things on my mind at the moment. I made a mental check list. It was:

Niall's Check List:

[] Survive

[] Get off this island

[] Try to contact anyone


A/n: Short and I'm sorry! I thought you all would like an update! This story if off hold now so I will be updating! I had to update my other books! This story will be mostly Niall's Pov and a few Rose Povs! Next chapter will be up hopefully soon! Remember to Vote and Comment!(:

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