7: Exploring, Falling, and Discoveries

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Stranded Chapter 7

Niall's P.O.V:

"What's your favorite color?" Rose asked with an adorable smile. I thought about the question before replying. "It would either have to be green or a baby blue," I said. I leaned back on my elbows in the sand as Rose and I talked about each other's interests."Mine would be purple or orange," she said. I chuckled and said, "I know." Her face fell into realization and her cheeks turned red in embarrassment. "Oh. . . Of course you would know what my favorite color is," she said.

I smiled and suggested, "How about we do something else?" "Like what?" Her curiosity was taking the best of her as she leaned in closer to me. I smirked and said, "I don't know. We should explore the island and see what's here or how big the island is and possibly see of there is other food or what not." "Do you think we should? What about the wild animals?" she asked, concern had filled her voice.

"I'm sure. I am one-hundred percent positive, and plus if there are any wild animals I will be here to protect you," I said. I shot her a smile before standing up and I dusted of my pants, then I held out my hand for her to take. She hesitantly took it and stood up with my help of pulling her. "Follow me," I said. I turned around and walked through the trees and plants that was behind the camp. Rose trailed closely behind me.

"Are you sure it's safe?" she asked, nervously. "Yes, do not worry," I assured her. She jogged up to me and wrapped her arms around her petite body to protect herself. "What if we get lost?" she asked. "We won't, Rose," I said. "Okay," she said in a soft tone. I could tell she was still nervous. So, I stopped walking and I placed my hand on her shoulder, causing her to jump and pull away from me. A pain expression fell on my face, but I tried to hide it with a fake smile. "Don't worry. I'm here. Just scream if you need me," I said to her. She nervously nodded. "Thank you," she whispered.

I nodded and continued to walk again. I pushed through leaves and stepped over vines that lain across the dirt ground. "We are going to hike up a hill," I told her. She glanced at me before nodding and looking at the scenery, and completely ignoring my presence. I wish she didn't have to act like this. Everything would be so much better if we never crashed. I looked at her once more before looking ahead and beginning to hike up.

I grabbed onto a big rock and pulled myself up. Then, I turned around and I lend Rose my hand to help her up. She took it gratefully and pulled herself up. I clapped my hands together with a smile before moving again. We hiked up a tall hill that must have been about fifty-foot climb. We stopped at the top to examine the scenery that stood before us. As Rose was absorbing in the beautiful island, I looked over the edge and I would say there was about a one-hundred-foot drop that led onto more sand. There was a hut below us with a kindled fire. Curiosity took over me and I wanted to know who or what was down there.

"We are climbing down," I stated. Rose looked at me as if I was insane. "Wait a minute! What do you mean? Are you crazy?" she asked with a frown. "Yeah," I said. "I am crazy." I shrugged my shoulder before I bent down and placed my foot on a sturdy edge below. "Niall!" she exclaimed, "please don't." She groaned in annoyance before she began to climb down after me.

I placed my foot on another rocky edge and lowered myself. Then, I grabbed onto a branch that stuck out. "Niall, I'm scared. We shouldn't be doing this. It's dangerous!" she exclaimed with a cry. "Then don't look down!" I yelled up to her. "What?!" she yelled. "Don't look down!" I yelled again. She looked down in confusion and her eyes widen with anxiety. "Too late!!" she screamed and began to panic. "Calm down! Rose, it's okay. I'm here," I said. "Niall!! We are at least fifty- feet away from the ground! Do not tell a girl to calm down. She will not calm down. Once slip or mistake and we will die!" she screamed with a mixture of emotions.

I climbed up to her with caution before I stood next to the frighten girl. She held onto the rock for dear life. "Rose. . . Rose! Look at me," I said. With hesitance, she looked at me and she tried so hard not to look down. "It's going to be okay. We will not fall. I promise," I said. She looked into my eyes before saying, "Promise?" I nodded to assure her. She nervously nodded before she took my hand in hers; causing me to smile. We began to climb down.

Slowly, I departure myself from her and let her climb down first. We were taking it step by step. "Inch by inch life's a cinch. Yard by yard life is hard-" she screamed before she could finish. My heart rate accelerated at the sound of her screaming. "Rose!" I yelled as I looked down. She slipped and was holding onto a thick branch. But the branch looked like it would break at any second. "Niall!" she screamed as she cried. "I'm coming! Stay still," I instructed her.

"Niall! Hurry," she cried. I climbed onto a ledge that was below her and was big enough for me to be able to catch her. "Okay. . . let go," I said. "What!? Are you crazy?!" she exclaimed. "I will catch you. Now let go," I demanded. She looked down at me to see I was about ten to fifteen feet away from her. She closed her eyes and nodded before she let go, at the same time the branch snapped and broke. She came falling from gravity and I held my arms out to catch her. She landed in my arms, but this had caused us to fall off the ledge. She screamed, but stopped once we hit ground with an 'oof'. I opened my eyes to see we did not fall a great fall. It must have been about ten or so feet from where we stood.

"You can open your eyes," I said. She slowly opened them and looked around. Her body lain on top of me. She scanned the area until her eyes landed on me. "Are we dead?" she whispered. I let out a loud laugh and I shook my head. "I don't think so," I said. She sighed in relief. "Thank goodness!" she exclaimed. She rolled off of me and stood up with shaky legs and arms. Then, she dusted the sand off of her. I stood up and looked towards the hut that stood in front of us.

I began walking towards it. "Niall? Where are you going?" she asked, running after me. "Shh. . . I'm checking out this hut. It seems as if someone is here," I whispered. She nodded and walked next me. I crept up behind the hut and I hid around the corner before I carefully looked over. The fire was almost out, but it still had a small flame. I crept over towards the front to scout the place.

"Someone was here," I said. "Do you mean that someone else is on this island?" she asked as I nodded. "The fire barely has a spark and this is a man made hut," I explained. "That could mean anything. We could have gone in circles and this could be our's," she said. I shook my head. "It can't be. We went the opposite way of our camp and we went up then down a cliff," I said. I inspected the place a little more. "Maybe something or someone is inside. Did you check in the hut?" Rose asked. "That is a good idea. Do you think I should?" I asked. She nodded and stood behind me as I walked towards the leaves of curtains that was held as a door. I slowly pulled it back.

"Hello?" I called out. No answer. I pulled the curtain back more and an awful smell came from inside. "Hello? Is-" I was cut off with a filthy Skelton falling out.

What did we do next? We screamed of course.

A/n: I am here in Colorado! I'll try to update when I can! This book will be based on action and fan fiction. Next update shall be up soon!(:

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