10: Flirting, Lobsters, and Unknown Responses

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Stranded Chapter 9

Rose's P.O.V:

I stuck a stick in the sand and twisted it for it to go deeper in the ground of the earth before pulling it out and shoved it in the sand again.

Noises from the bushes rustled from behind me. I turned around to see Cameron walking through the scenery of green. Sweat dripped from his forehead, and his arms glistened with sweat. He wiped his forehead with the back of his hand; giving me a view of his tattooed covered arms. I was mesmerized by the way his arm muscles would flex with every movement. The muscles in his arms were. . . very thick and taunt. Strong.

"Do you like what you see?" His cheeky remark pulled my attention back and on to him and not his body. He laughed when my eyes widen and my cheeks turned a light shade of pink. I quickly looked away and back to the stick I was digging with. I heard him walked over to me and I saw, at the corner of my eye, him crouching to my level.

"What are you doing?" he asked. I looked up at him, still slightly embarrassed from the previous event. "Um. . . trying to build a new fire pit," I said. "It doesn't look like anything but a stick in the sand," he said and laughed out loud. I looked up at him and laughed along. "It's a little hard since I have no idea what I'm doing," I said. "Here let me help," he said. He came behind me and wrapped his arm around me. His large, soft hands were placed on the top of mine as he showed me how to build a new fire pit. My heart beat thumped rapidly in my chest at the intimate position.

"So, you put two sticks together and wrapped this string around the two," he said as he guided my hand. "Then, you take two other sticks and place it on top of the two and then you wrap all four together," he said. He helped me tie them together with a shoe lace I had taken out if my shoe. I looked up at him as he guided our hands. He licked his lips as he furrowed his eyebrows in concentration. His brown eyes were focusing on the sticks in our hands. He was dreamy.

"You continue to do this until you have a circle formed," he said and smile. He looked down at me and our gazes locked on one another. We stared at each other for what felt like hours. His eyes looked down at my lips, then back up in my eyes. His eyes were beautiful and sparkled with glee every time. He coughed and smiled. "So uh that's how you do it. You understand?" he asked. I gulped and nodded. I nervously smiled and said, "Yes. It seems easier now." "Good," he said as he stood up and clapped his hands together. "Is there anything else to do? Anything for me to help with?" he asked.

"Can you catch food? Maybe catch some food for later today while I finish this fire pit and then look for fresh water to boil," I suggested. He nodded and grabbed a man-made fishing pole, and began to jog down to the shore. The muscles in his calves popped out with each pounding step he took.

I blushed and looked away as I continued to put together the fire pit. I stuck them in the sand vertically.


"And done," I mumbled to myself. I smiled in approval as I looked at the complete fire pit. I stood up and placed some fire wood in the middle of it and I stacked medium size rocks in the inside and around the firewood on the outside. It wasn't the best fire pit but it'll do. After that, I stood up, gathered three buckets, and wandered into the forest. Eventually, I heard a sound of rushing water. In only a few hours of finding water, walking, and boiling the water to make it drinkable, everything was set and ready.

I looked out at the water to see Cameron was sitting on a rock, bored out of his mind, as he fished for food. His shoulders were slouched over and his chin rested on his knees. With bare feet, I walked down the sand to where Cameron sat. I snuck up behind him and whispered, "Boo." He jumped in surprise and looked up at me. A smile stretched across his lips as he chuckled.

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