Michelle...Meet Keaton:)

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Marley's POV

The next morning I woke up to the sound of slight Snoring.

Keaton was laying on the edge of my bed still wearing his dark jeans and grey hoodie. I smiled as I tried to slip out of bed without waking him up. I rolled down on the floor and got to my feet as I pulled away from the bed. My cotton dark purple shorts and black tank top stuck to me as I walked down the hall to the bathroom. I open the door to see Wes sleeping, oops not the bathroom. After finally finding the bathroom I fixed my messy long hair and headed downstairs. On the deck Drew sat in a grey muscle shirt and his black basketball shorts. He strummed on the guitar and was writing in a blue booklet.

"You're up early" I smiled leaning against the door.

He turned to face me and smiled, "You are up really early, since you usually sleep in late."

"What time is it anyways?" I pondered.

"6:32am, a time you hardly see, huh..."

"Yup, I'm never up this early, unless it's for school... so are you up for some breakfast or what?"

"Yeah what are you making?" he snorted.

"Ha-ha very funny, but I guess I can cook. You want some bacon and eggs?"

"Wow fancy" he said sarcastically.

"As fancy as I'd be cooking, so cheer up because that's what I'm making" I said heading to the kitchen.

I pulled out some eggs, bacon, and I found a bunch of wraps. So I decided to make breakfast wraps. I cooked and set everything on the table as Wes slumped down the stairs.

"Hey girlie" Wes smiled kissing my forehead.

"Hey sleepy head, nice shorts" I laughed to see he was wearing sponge bob swim shorts.

"Be jealous" he said taking a seat at the table.

"So what's for Breakfast?"

"Breakfast wraps, and go get your brother so we can start eating!" I smiled as Drew entered the dining room.


"I don't think he heard you" Drew smiled.

"I'll go wake him," I turned around to face them before leaving, "Don't eat anything yet!"

I walked up the spiral stairs to the guest room where Keaton had fallen asleep.

He had shifted to normal position and I smiled as I sat on the bed.

"Keaton" I whispered in his ear.

"Mommy I don't want to go to school" he chuckled in a baby voice.

"Well then you don't get to see Marley" I laughed again.

"I'm up!" he yelled sitting up.

"Morning Keaty cat"

"Morning beauty" he whispered giving me a small kiss.

"There is breakfast downstairs, I made it" I smiled taking his hand.

"Awesome sauce, just let me get changed" I left the room and in minutes later he came out in a black sweat pants and his hoodie.

"Where did you get those clothes?" I asked as he had gotten them from the guestroom.

"I left stuff in your suit case" he smiled.

"You went through my suit case?!" I said shocked.

"By the way I like your bikini" he winked.

"Ass hole" I scoffed.

We walked downstairs to the kitchen where Wes and Drew were sitting at the table scrolling on twitter.

After we sat down we began to eat our breakfast.


"Bye Drew, see you on Monday!" I yelled as I got into the car with Wes and Keaton.

We were driving to my sisters to drop me off. I wanted to introduce my sister to Keaton for the first time since she still thinks he's just some guy named Keaton. Not my Keaton, the one from Emblem3.

In an hour we arrived at her place, a medium sized modern house with blue siding. Keaton helped me with my suit cases and we rang the doorbell.

"Keaton I want you to hid in the car; I will wave you in when I want you to come okay?"

"Got it!" he said running back to the car.

He hid in the car and my sister opened the door.

"Marley I have missed you so much!" Michelle squealed.

"I missed you too!" I smiled pulling into a hug.

"How has Cali been to you so far?"

"Good, though I have only spent less than 24 hours here..."

"It can get hectic but it's really an amazing place."

She grabbed my bags and put it by the front door.

"So who's this Keaton guy? Is he nice?" she asked.

"Do you want to meet him?" I smiled thinking about her facial expression when she sees him.

"Of course is he here?"

I waved him out of the car and I covered my sister's eyes.

"Is this really needed?" she asked me as Keaton walked up to the front door.

I let go of her eyes and she stared at him shocked.

"You-you-your dating KEATON STROMBERG?!" she yelled.

"Shhh!" we whispered in unison.

"Sorry, I just can't believe my little sister, from CANADA yet is dating you!?"

"Thanks" I scowled.

"Sorry, it's so nice to meet you. I'm Michelle, Marley's sister. I'm a big fan, I watched you on the X-Factor last year!"

"Nice to meet you Michelle, so will you be to attending the album release party next week?" Keaton asked.

"Oh I wish, but I have to fly out to Florida for work" she murmured.

"No problem, I hope to see you soon sometime" Keaton smiled.

"Well Marley we should get going, sorry Keaton but she's mine for the week."

"No problem, I will see you on Monday Marley, I will pick you up at 10am for the interview. Thanks again for supporting us" Keaton said before kissing my cheek.

"Bye Keats" I smiled closing the door behind me.

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