Anniversary Dinner Date

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Marley’s POV

After he gave me the bracelet he left me an envelope and told me to open it in an hour. He said it was a surprise and that I would be hopefully happy by this. Keaton gave me a kiss on the cheek and left me by myself in the pool.

“Bye Marley, see you tonight” he winked at me.

It was 3:30 and I was anxious to see what was inside, it was light so obviously paper.  

“Hey Marley” Wes called splashing into the pool.

“Oh hey Wes” I smiled putting the note on the sun chair.

“What’s that?”

“A letter from Keaton, I have to open it in an hour…”

“Oh ya, your anniversary I totally forgot, I have something for our ‘Friend-iversary!” he laughed.

“Ooo do I get to see it now?” I questioned.

“When were done swimming!” he said splashing me.

He picked me up, swinging me around and throwing me farther into the deep end. Then he scooped me up over his shoulder,

“Put me down Wes!” I screamed laughing.

He climbed out of the water and onto the diving board.

“Wes put me down! Its 4:30 I have to go open the letter!”

“If you say so!” he said throwing me into the water.

He flipped off the board and landed beside me,

“Sorry to mess up your hair princess.”

I just laughed and gave him a hug,

“You’re an awesome friend Wes.”

I climbed out of the pool and headed up to my room, there I sat down in my towel and my black bikini. I opened the letter from Keaton, instantly smiling at the words.

‘Marley I would like to say I’m happy you’re my girlfriend and even more that you’re here with me. So to celebrate I want to do something special for my special girl. Dress fancy and romance-y if you please, for tonight we are going somewhere where my star shines in a better setting. (We’re going to a fancy restaurant, just so if you did not get it)’ I chuckled at his words.

‘So follow these clues to find your location, so after you get ready head to my favorite room, open it up and look under my favorite thing to find your next clue. I have % 100 faiths that you know this since we know each other so well.’

I smiled and put the card down; I already knew where to look so I got ready. I picked out a deep blue ruffled strapless dress and headed to the shower. I got cleaned up and dried my hair. I curled my hair and did smoky make-up. I used my eyeliner to bold out my eyes and I could say that I looked so mature and sophisticated. I put on a sliver M+K necklace and the Pandora bracelet Keaton had bought me. I headed downstairs and put on some fuzzy-ish matching heels. I felt out of place but I was going out to a fancy supper. I grabbed a small black clutch purse and headed down to the kitchen –where I knew was Keaton’s favorite room- and opened the freezer. One bucket of Cookies and Cream ice cream sat in the corner and I flipped it over. The note was stuck to the bottom, ‘Hurray! I told you I had faith in you to find it! So here is the next clue! Head to the recording studio and play my favorite track at 2:20 until you here the place. When it says it go outside.’

I rushed to the recording studio and played the song,

‘Run along my love… Meet me at the beach, down at the south, our first kiss and there is no dought.’

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