Thought Of Her

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Marley's POV

For the past few days Keaton has called at least 2 times an hour. I receive so many texts from everyone trying to get me to talk to Keaton. In my mind, that was no way going to happen. I tied my brown hair into a ponytail and climbed out of bed. I headed over to the kitchen and pulled out a bucket of cookie dough ice cream and headed over to the couch. My purple off the shoulder T-shirt and my black sweat pants. I opened up some windows and turned on the TV to watch some good old fashion reality TV.

I felt good, though I have not showered for like 5 days and brushed my teeth for 6 days. I looked like a teenage slob and horrible, I smelt even worse. I hopped in the shower quickly and got changed into black shorts and a red, black, and white button down which exposed my black tank top. I was going to go skating, which would probably be the first time without Keaton in a whole month. I let my hair fall into wisps and slipped on a black beanie. I put on a little makeup and grabbed my board. I walked back into the living room and turned off the TV, and then I started to hear a song. I walked over to the stereo to see it was off; I looked around confused until I realized it was coming from outside. I stuck my head out the window to see Keaton strumming on his guitar and singing 'thought of her.' I rolled my eyes as he continued to sing, I did not know how to feel.

"So if you were a sailboat floating to me lost at sea, then I'd be then wind to carry you to safety, and you say I was the water on that day, then I'd be the one to carry you on your way, running on a cold winter night. No thought of her, running through my mind" he sang, it began to touch my heart though I tried to resist. I stared out the window until he finished, he looked up at me with his soft green eyes and smiled. I could not help but smile back; my heart was fluttering and jumping from inside me.

"Marley that kiss meant nothing!" he yelled up to me.

Then my smile faded and I remembered why I left, he kissed a model behind my back.

"Go away Keaton!" I yelled back at him.

"Marley you have to let me explain! I did not kiss her, she kissed me!"

I walked away from the window and into the kitchen grabbing some plates, I already prepared for stuff like this, guys just trying to cover up so you would forgive them.

"Marley?" he called up.

I tossed a plate out the window,

"Holy shit, Marley you oh most hit me with that!" he yelled as the plate crashed to the ground.

"That's the point!" I called back smiling to myself.

I threw another out the window, this time no crash...

"Damn it, did he catch it?"

I looked out the window to see him lying flat on the ground,

"Holy shit KEATON!" I shrieked running out the front door to where he laid holding his head in pain.

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