I Wish It was Just a Dream

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Marley’s POV

After getting some snacks Keaton and I went downstairs; which the room was blocked off from the rest of the party.

“I love how there is a Party going on but we came down here to chill out and play COD” I smiled putting my legs over Keaton’s lap.

“I love it too; now watch out on the left! A snipers coming around the corner!” he warned.

“I got it!” I yelled getting a head shot on the sniper.

“Remind me to call you if I even need someone to shoot a sniper” he laughed.

“Okay, now cover me; I’m going into the airport!”

After about 20 minutes we called it quits and headed back upstairs.

“Keaton hurry up, we’re performing soon!” Wes called dragging Keaton to the living room where they had set up 3 stools and microphones.

I sat down beside a Blonde haired girl wearing a black dress,

“Hi nice to meet you, I’m Mandy.”

“I’m Marley, nice to meet you too” I smiled putting my focus back on the guys at the front of the room.

“Can we get your attention please?!” Drew yelled as the large party became quite.

“We are going to play a few songs from our new album that comes out in 2 hours!” Wes yelled into the microphone.

“First up we are going to be playing a favorite! It’s called Spaghetti!”

They began playing the song and a bunch of people began sitting down in front of them to get a better view of them.

Soon enough the whole living room was filled with about 100 people and there was hardly any room to move. The Blonde beside me got up and squished herself into the crowd until I could see her no longer. I could not even see Keaton anymore, all I saw was Drew and half of Wes.

I sat and listened to the 6 songs they played, which included Spaghetti, XO, Say what you mean, Sunset BLVD, Nothing to lose, and finally Chloe.

“Thank you so much and I hope everyone buys our album!” Drew smiled as they packed up.

I tried to get through the crowd but it was no use. After a while the living room started to clean and I headed to where Keaton had sat. He was gone and I looked around confused. Their huge house was packed with people, so I headed downstairs. When I arrived no one was there so I headed back to main level passing Wes who sat alone.

“Hey have you seen Keaton anywhere? I can’t find him?”

“Not since the performance…” he mumbled.

“Hey are you okay?” I asked him.

“Eh, I just kind of found out the girl I have a crush on has absolutely no feelings for me. Plus she has a date and when I try to ask her to dance she always disappears. It kind of sucks because I think I really like her; but yet she won’t even dance with me.”

“Aw Wes,” I said giving him a hug, “any girl would be lucky to dance with you! Cheer up, just tell her how you feel, girls like honesty! Just tell her how you feel. Just don’t scare her, wait awhile until you figure out your feelings for her.”

“Thanks Marley you’re a good friend, I will see you around okay? I have to go crash the ‘Daya’ party of two! Ha-ha see you later!” he laughed taking off.

I smiled and walked off down the hall when I passed that girl Mandy I saw earlier kissing Keaton. I walked passed them smiling when then I realized what the hell I just saw!!!!

“KEATON, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” I yelled as tears fell from my eyes.

He pushed the blonde away quickly.

“How could you!” I cried walking down the hall.

“Marley wait! I need to explain just give me a minute!”

“Keaton save it, you don’t need to explain why you’re kissing a model, you’re famous and girls can’t resist you. I get it, now just leave me alone!”

“Marley wait! Where are you going?” he yelled after me.

“To get my belongings and leave this place!”

“Marley please just let me explain what happened I never meant to…” I instantly cut him off.

“To what, not get caught by your girlfriend? Well don’t worry about getting caught by your girlfriend since you two seem to be kissing a lot. I hope you two are happy together!” I yelled walking upstairs to the guest room.

“Marley what are you talking about? We’re not a couple?”

“Yeah while neither are we!” I said slamming the door in his face. I shoved my things in my suit case as he whimpered outside the door.

“Marley don’t leave I need you!”

“Shut up Keaton, you’ve said it yourself, talk is cheap. So your words mean nothing!”

Keaton became really quiet as I blasted ‘Marianna’s Trench.’ I changed into comfy grey sweats, a red school hoodie, and my black VANS.

I went into the bathroom and tied up my hair when I came across the charm bracelet he had bought only 2 days ago. I looked in the mirror to see my makeup still intact though my eyes were red and steamy. I felt like slamming my head against the counter and knock myself out. All I wanted to do was to wake up find out this was all just a bad dream. I snapped back to the bracelet and picked it up.

I closed up my suit case and opened the door, Keaton stood there. His face as red and ever so slightly tear stained unlike mine which was full of anger and covered in tears.

“Marley don’t leave!” he cried grabbing my hand.

I kept silent pulling away from him,

“Here take it back, I don’t need it” I muttered throwing the charm bracelet at him.

I turned around to face him once more before leaving out the door; his slim face was now red with tears. He leaned in and kissed me, in shock I pushed him away,

“Get away from me Keaton. You obviously have feelings for her so if you need to figure it out go ahead. You have all the time to think about it, plus it won’t be hard if you don’t have a ‘clingy Canadian’ girl hanging around.”

“Marley don’t leave I love you!” he cried as I walked out the door and down the sidewalk.

The words stung, I was walking away from someone I truly liked. I was walking away from someone who was not only a person I loved but also a best friend. Keaton ran after me as I picked up the pace, “Its midnight, please just stay until morning! Let you think before you walk away on us, before you walk out on what we had…” he muttered.

I looked over at him, I never even noticed he had straightened his hair the way I find irresistible. ‘Damn it Marley keep it together, don’t fall for it again!’ I disciplined myself.

“Please?” he muttered again.

I tugged on the necklace and placed it in his hand,

“Goodbye” I whispered tailing down the road leaving him in the black night.

After walking out of the community I caught a bus to my sisters. I used the spare keys she left me and walked down to the spare room. I kicked off my shoes and crawled into bed. I just closed my eyes and went to sleep.

I wish this was a bad dream….

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