What Really Happened

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Keaton POV

After the performance I was surrounded by people; I looked around for Marley but she was nowhere to be found.

“Marley where are you?” I called squeezing out from the crowd.

I started down the hallway towards upstairs when suddenly a voice called out from behind me.

“Hey Keaton” she said, I turned around to see Mandy.

“That was an awesome performance; you looked totally hot up there” she smiled gripping into my shoulder.

“Mandy I already told you I have a girlfriend so if you’re just trying to flirt with me leave me alone” I said hasty.

“What I have not seen you for like 3 years, I want to talk to you. How is life?” she said taking a seat on a bench.

I sat down beside her,

“Well it’s been pretty cool; I’ve been on tour a lot so that’s pretty cool.”

“Hmm, that sounds awesome, maybe one time I can go to a show?”

“Uh maybe but you might have to spend lots of time on the computer trying to get tickets… We have lots of Emblems go to the show so yeah.”

I looked over Mandy’s shoulder to see Marley coming down the hallway.

“Oh hey Marley’s here, I will see you later okay?” I said getting to my feet.

“No!” she yelled silently pulling me back down.

She gripped my face like a horrible flash back and pulled me into kiss. For a wimpy little model she was strong. She fastened her arms around my head keep me tight in place. I felt hopeless as Marley passed us, I tried to pull away but Mandy tugged on my hair.

“Keaton what are you doing?!” Marley yelled with tears flowing from her eyes.

My heart broke in front of her; her eyes were beginning to turn red as she turned away.

Marley ran up the stairs as I trailed after her,

“You bitch!” I yelled to Mandy who sat on the bench with a smile.

“Get over it Keaton, she was not right for you anyways! She Canadian and your hot, by the end of summer you won’t even see each other!”

Was this something I never really saw, Marley would have to go back home and I would be here or traveling. I shook Mandy’s words and ran after Marley who had slammed the guest bedroom door in front of me.

Minutes later she came out of the room, I grabbed her hand trying to keep her there so I could explain. She pulled away and threw the charm bracelet at me. I looked down at it as she muttered in a harsh hurt tone,

“Keep it, I obviously don’t need it!”

She ran down to the front door when I did what was the only thing I knew which made us know how we truly liked each other. I kissed her; the world had seemed to stop for a moment before she pulled away.

“Marley don’t leave, I love you!”  I yelled as she continued walking fast down the side walk.

“Please just stay and think about it before you walk away on us, on everything we had…” I muttered looking into her eyes the last time.


She looked off to the side as I held her hand, then she let go of my hand and reached for her necklace. She gave a small tug and placed the silver ‘M+K’ necklace in my hand.

“Goodbye” she whispered closing my hand and walking away down the dark and cold pathway.

I no longer could hold this anymore, tears streamed from my eyes. Guys don’t cry but I lost something I truly loved. Something that was special to me, that I needed for so long. I found it, and now I lost it.

I walked back to the house and fisted open the door.

“Hey Keaton, now that you got that clingy chick off your back do you want to dance?” Mandy hissed.

I shot her an angry look as she spoke again,

“Hey you can thank me now because she was a totally cling on. She just wants you’re fame and fortune!”

“No Mandy that’s what YOU want, you don’t care about me or my feelings. You just want to be rich and famous. So get the hell out of my house you bitchy moron!” I yelled shoving her outside the door.

“Don’t Keaton please” she said batting her eye lashes, “I just want to go on one date with you?”

“Sorry I don’t date fake ass Barbie’s, go find some other guy to take you out” I said slamming the door.

“Asshole!” she yelled kicking the door.

I heard her car squeal out of the drive way and down the road.

I walked over to Wes who was sitting on a bar stool alone.

“Hey where’s Marley?” he smiled as I took a seat beside him.


“Where did she go? She’s staying here?”

“She left me Wes… Mandy kissed me and Marley left. She packed up and now she’s gone” I said letting a fresh tear slide.

“What… she- she’s gone?” Wes said feeling hurt.

I slumped over and put my head on the table as Wes just looked shocked, putting his hand on the back of my head.

“Don’t worry dude, you’ll get her back. Just wait, you will think of something. How about we head upstairs, I think Drew can handle it down here…”

“Don’t you want to have fun?” I asked with my face still smashed against the cold table.

“Hey you’re my brother, and you just lost the perfect girl. She was my best friend too. I would do anything for family… let’s go okay?” he said dragging me to my room.

“I just want to die” I muttered lying on my bed to Wes as he rummaged through my draws.

“What are you doing?” I asked looking over at him.

“Looking for anti-depressants…”

“What the hell would I have anti-depressants in my room!?”

“I don’t know… why do you have some shit called pro-active on your dresser?”

“That’s Marley’s…” I muttered.

Wes walked out of my room returning a moment later with a pale of ‘cookies and cream.’

“I’m not a girl! I don’t need ice cream!”

“Fine I will just put it away…”

“No don’t! Bring it here, turn on the TV and leave me alone!” I whined grabbing a spoon.  

Wes tossed me the remote as I shoved ice cream into my mouth.

Why do I feel so horrible, how come I feel like everything around me is reminding me of Marley?

Wes walked out of the room as I turned on the radio to hear a song called ‘Everybody’s got somebody but me’ by Hunter Hayes.

‘And I miss you, without you I just don’t fit in. I know were through but I’m wishing we’d just try it again!’

“Damn it really!” I groaned as I shut off my radio.

I covered my head and went to sleep instead. This was like a nightmare….

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