Airsickness - Jack Johnson

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Dedicated to AshtonBabe96

"You gonna be okay?" I ask, Jack who gets airsick easily.

"Yeah, as long as I have anti-sickness." He says already getting preflight nerves, and going slightly pale.

"Just calm down, before you're sick, before we actually get off the ground." I say. He nods looking into my eyes, looking slightly afraid. I pet his hand with my thumb and smile.

"You'll be fine, babe."

"Hope so." He mumbles. I kiss his cheek.

"Can everyone please put your seatbelts on we will be lifting off in five minutes." Some lady says over the intercom.

"Sav, I don't know if this will go well." Jack says getting paler putting his seatbelt on.

"Its okay, here, where did you put the anti-sickness tablets?" I ask.

"In the first pouch on the side of my backpack." He says. I stood up and rummaged through it.

"Jack its not there. Are you sure you put it there?" I ask concerned.

"Yeah. I remember putting it back in after the flight here." He says.

"Well its not there. You gonna be okay?" I ask sitting back down putting the seatbelt on.

"I think I should be okay." He shuddered. "Savannah, this is like the second time this tour." He looked at me. "I don't want to throw up on the plane again."

"I know." The intercom went off again.

"Please turn off all electrical devices as we are now taking off."

I took my phone out and turned it off. Jack put his head on my shoulder, arms laid protectively over his stomach.

"If you're gonna be sick, don't get sick on me." I chuckle, but Jack just groaned. I felt the plane shudder and I felt it speed up.

"Babe..." Jack moaned.

"What?" I ask.

"This seatbelt isn't helping my tummy right now."

I giggle and say.

"I know baby."

*time skip*

So the plane was in the air and Jack was finally able to take the seatbelt off.

"I think I'm gonna be sick." Jack moaned. I saw his face grow paler and I walked up to a flight attendant.

"Um my boyfriend needs an airsickness bag." I say awkwardly. The lady gave me a blue and white plastic bag.

"Thanks." I walked back to Jack and place the bag on his head trying to be funny. Nash and Aaron laughed but Jack grabbed at it pulling it below his chin.

"Dear god!" He said aloud. I sat back down and placed my hand on his back, moving it in circles.

"Sav, this h-" Jack burped giving another one, except more wet.

"That sounded nashty." I murmur.

"This h-hurts." Jack whined.

"I know. Just calm down." I say comforting him.

*time skip BC I'm lazy AF*

So Jack ended up throwing up twice on the way home and he was still flight sick after coming off.

When we walked through the airport a whole bunch of fans came running over, I brought Jack to a bench just to talk for a quick sec.

"You can go talk to your fans if you feel up to it. I know it takes a while for you to recover from flight sickness."

"Yeah, I feel okay. But stay here. I don't want you to get trampled." He said.

"K." I say. I sat down at the bench and he walk over to his fans.

I wasn't paying to much attention until I heard running footsteps past me. I look up and turn around. I got up and walked over to Jack who was leaning over a trash can.

"Awww babe. C'mere we should go home." I say, he nods straightening up slowly wiping his mouth on his sleeve. We said bye to his fans and got a cab home. He almost threw up again, but was able to hold until we got home. We went to bed early and watched supernatural, until we both fell asleep.

So you're welcome Sav hope you liked it! BYE my pikachus!!!!!!!!!!

P.S go follow My_Angel_Cas and AshtonBabe96 she makes fabulous books!


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