Cameron- Food Poisoning

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Dedicated to: AlexisDallas1

Sorry, this happened to my cousin's boyfriend a few years ago, but anyway enjoy!


~Alexis' POV~

"Hey Caaaaaaaaaaaaaam," I say in a whiney begging sort of voice through the phone.

"Whaaaaaaaaaaat?" He says copying my voice. I giggle and answer normally.

"I want to go somewhere because I'm booooooooooooooooooored," I groan pacing the length of my room.

"You want to go to Olive Garden later. I'll pay, it'll be a date." He offered. I thought about it. I don't like Olive Garden that much. There was a long pause until I finally answered.

"Fine, but what time?" I ask.

"Six, I guess." He answered and I heard him shrug.

"Okay!" I giggle smile.

"Then It's officially a date. See you at six, no need to dress fancy. Casual is fine." He told me.

"K, bye babe."

"Bye, my girl," and we hung up. I couldn't wait to go.

"Alexis!" My mum called from down the hall.

"What!" I called back.

"Come here!" She yelled. I rolled my eyes, walking out of my room closing my door behind me. I walk in seeing my moomy sitting on the couch.

"What?" I ask again.

"What do you want for supper?" She questions.

"Oh nothing. I'm going to Olive Garden with Cameron at six." I tell her walking away when she said "okay."

I sat on my bed listening to music until five, 'cause who need two fucking hours to get ready in a casual look? I don't. I put on a pair of dark grey sweats and a light grey crop top that say rebel on it. I put my hair in a little quiff. What!? I have short hair deal with it. Putting a little bit of mascara and lipstick on, I grabbed my black beanie and put it on.

I sat on the couch for ten minutes, when there was a knock on the front door. I jump up and run to the door, opening it revealing an extra cute Cameron Dallas. He had his brown hair in a quiff like mine and was wearing a cool muscle top and blue jeans. I smile when his jaw dropped.

"Daaaaaaaaamn, you look amazing!" He gawked.

"I know. You don't look bad yourself," I said and he blushed.

"Shall we go?" He said hold his arm out.

"We shall," I giggle and take his arm.

We walked to his car and I hopped into the passenger seat, putting my seatbelt on.

"Before we go , I wanted to say I love you and nothing will ever change that. Oh and you're allowed to stay over tonight." I says kissing me then starting the car.

"Love you too. Okay," I say and look out the window as he started to drive.

I sat watching the sun fall slowly beyond the horizon. I lost track of time and before you know it we were there.

"Lexy, we're here." Cam says opening my door. He's the only one who can call me Lexy.

"Why thank you captain obvious." I Laugh with him as I get out of the car.

*Skip date bc I'm Laaaaaazy*

Cameron and I finished our date by at least eight-thirty. we went to his house and sat on the couch to watch a movie. I think it was his movie, Expelled, but I wasn't sure because I fell asleep a quarter way through it.

I woke up enough to hear muffled footsteps and the smell of Cameron's cologne. I felt something soft under me, I guess Cam carried me to his room and placed me on the bed. I heard him say something, but I don't know what and I fell asleep again when he lied behind me and put an arm around me.

A few hours later I don't know how many, I woke up feeling cold. I open my eyes to cee the blanket tossed off of me and Cam halfway off the bed. He was no longer cuddling me but was facing the other way. I thought nothing of it and pulled the blanket back over me and fell asleep.

I woke up again, this time feeling too hot. I open my eyes to see a, very sweaty and pale Cameron Dallas cuddling me, a look of pain across his sleeping face. I suddenly hear a loud grumble and gurgle from his stomach. I decided to wake him because he whimpered flipping the other way pulling his knees to his chest. "Babe, Cam. Wake up. You feeling alright?" I ask when he looks at me.

"L-Lexis... I-I think I'm gonna be sick," he mumbles. Before I could react, he rolled over leaning over the edge of the bed and heaved. I quickly got up and grabbed his surprisingly empty trash can, I brought it over and put it under his head.

"Cam, why do I feel like this isn't a stomach flu sorta thing?" I question rubbing his back as he threw up his supper and popcorn.

"I-I don't kn-" He gagged vomiting again.

"Babe, I think you got food poisoning," I mutter.

"Mmmmm-uuuuugh... All I had was a chicken salad." He groaned.

"Maybe that's what. They probably didn't cook it very well... Oh babe." I say when he choked on a sob. I rubbed his back as he heaved into the bucket.

"B-but we had the same thing..." Cameron whimpered rolling onto his back. "How come you're not chucking your guts up?" He asked cutely.

"I don't know. We probably had different cooks... Cam you're gonna be okay," I say softly. He moaned as he nodded. "Just go back to sleep, you'll probably feel better later." I said. He yawned and made lazy grabby hands.

"Cuddles?" He asks like a sad eight year old.

"Yeah, c'mere." I say quietly, laying down beside him, he put his head on my chest and slowly fell asleep snoring quietly. "Night," I yawn and close my eyed falling into a deep sleep.

You're welcome Alexis hope you liked it.


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