(For:suckmyAhsly )
Okay so we were all out for a dinner party, just hanging out and being idiots. We were all having fun until Gilinsky decided to be disgusting and burped, a whole lot too.
I cringed and threw an ice cube at him. "Hey! Shut up over there will you!" I scolded, he just laughed. I groaned.
Jack continued to burp and be gross, and honestly... It was making me feel sick to my stomach. But I had to be strong.
"Hey Johnson... You feeling okay? You're a bit pale over there." Matthew asked. I shrugged and nodded.
"Yeah I'm okay." I mumble and eventually it got to be too much and I was starting to feel really really sick. "Uugh... G, please stop!" I whine. He shook his head.
"Nope!" He laughed and continued to purposely burp. By now I was getting pissed off. My face heated up and I groaned.
"I fucking hate you..." I mumble, rubbing my tummy.
"I love you too." He replied.
Now... I was feeling like I was gonna puke. I gagged slightly when G burped yet again. No one noticed, well except Matt, but he didn't say anything.
"G! Fucking stop before I throw up on you!" I snap, my face going pale.
"Yeah right, nice try!" He laughed and continued.
Why didn't anyone else mind?! God damnit I'm gonna be sick! I thought quickly getting out of my seat and running off to the bathroom.
I leaned over the sink unable to get to the toilet as I was already throwing up into the sink. After I had finished, I sluggishly walked back with a small pout.
All of them just stared at me. Jack had an ashamed expression on his face. "JJ I'm sorry. I didn't think-"
I cut him off. "Its okay..."
After all of that we just took it on the down low and watched a movie.
(I'm so sorry! That it was so short and that I haven't updated this in forever!!! I've lost inspiration and I've been busy. Anyway I hope you enjoyed.)

Fiksi PenggemarJust had to. But anyway this can be anything from MagCon to 5SOS to TMR to TheTide