(Btw Luke is 17 and Mike 19 in this. Just a small age difference to make it just that much cuter ;3)Michael and Luke have been dating just over a year now and they always seem to notice the smallest things about each other. Of course Mike pays a little more attention to the young singer. That's why today when the blonde was being a bit quieter then normal, he knew something was up with him.
They were sitting at the kitchen table eating dinner well Michael was, Luke was just poking at his with his fork, his head resting on his hand which was propped up on his elbow. Mikey's eyebrows furrowed in concern. "Babe? You okay?" He asked after a few minutes of silence.
Luke looked up and nodded. "Yeah... Why?" He mumbled.
"You're just a lot quieter than usual and you've barely eaten." Michael said.
To be honest Luke wasn't feeling his best, but he didn't want to spoil their day together, since they had a break day from the studio. He looked into Michael's concerned bright green eyes, innocently with his grey-ish blue ones. Mike noticed the slight change in color of the eyes he liked to look at a bit more than he'd like to admit.
"I'm not that hungry today is all." Luke responded quietly looking back down at his dish. He grimaced slightly at his food and pushed it away. He literally only had a bite of the supper and that was it. Mikey frowned a bit. Luke's never usually like this.
Michael bit his lip and reached out to take a hold of Luke's hand. "Luke are you sure you're okay? You never push your food away like that." He asked, his voice full of worry.
"Mikey, I said I'm fine. I'm just not hungry." Luke said giving his hand a reassuring squeeze as he got up to head to the lounge to watch some TV. Michael watched his boyfriend leave the room with a concerned gaze.
Why wasn't he talking to me properly?
Why didn't he eat properly?
Why was he extra quiet?
Was it me?
Did I do something?
Maybe I did, and he's just too nice to tell me.
I'm probably too clingy.
I should stop.
But what if I'm not too clingy and it's just me in general?
No, don't think that Michael!
His mind was racing as he got up and headed to the basement to play video games since the Xbox was downstairs.
As the hours passed by it was already about 11:30 pm and Luke had already gone to bed 4 hours earlier. Mikey was still in the basement screaming his head off at his game until he decided he should head to bed too. He turned off his gaming console. He walked upstairs and went into the 2 boy's shared bedroom before getting changed and slipping in bed beside Luke, who was already passed out. It took about 36 minutes but, He finally found sleep and drifted off.
As soon as Michael was out, Luke woke up slightly with a dull pain coursing throughout his stomach. He started to shift to get comfortable, but the pain was increasing with every move, which caused his squirming to increase as well. He shot up in bed fully awake after about an hour and 1/2, hugging his middle tightly. Luke looked to the clock and whimpered quietly when he realized it was only 1: 45. He felt incredibly shivery and cold, yet he was sweating horribly. he teared up at how bad he suddenly felt and went to wake up Michael.
But before he could even turn to shake Mike awake his stomach grumbled and he let out a loud groan of pain. He shakily got up and rushed to the bathroom. He shut the door and lent over the sink to splash water into his face to see if it might help. When the water hit his sweating forehead he smiled, but shivered. Luke felt a little better, but unfortunately it didn't last long and he knelt in front of the toilet quickly as he was going to leave.

Fiksi PenggemarJust had to. But anyway this can be anything from MagCon to 5SOS to TMR to TheTide