Minho - Griever Sting

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Dedicated to...(drum roll) AshtonBabe96

Go follow her she has fantabulous books!


So I was sitting in the med-jack hut waiting for a person to get in here injured or whatever, when I suddenly hear a whole bunch of people come in carrying someone. I had no idea who it was or what happened, but when the group bursted out in questions I stood stock still.

"How did he get stung?"

"Why is there a shucking rampaging Griever??"

"Why did it attack Minho and not Thomas?"

As soon as I heard Minho's name, I made sure I was heard.

"SHUT UP!!" I screamed, they all flinched and looked at me. "Okay good, nice to know I was heard. So what happened to Minho?" I ask. Newt was first to speak up.

"He got stung by a Griever." He said calmly walking over. He slung an arm around me, because he knew I always cared for him and we're best friends, mainly because we're both sassy!

"How though? Its the middle of the day," I question looking at the others, especially Thomas since he was with Minho.

"I don't know, we were just running and came upon a lose Griever and it saw us and well stung Minho and left." Thomas explained. I heard bloodcurdling scream and it was dreadfully loud, which meant Minho was the one screaming. I ran from under Newt's arm and grabbed a syringe, streaking through the crowd and stabbed it into his leg. He automatically stopped screaming and looked at me.

"Th-thanks..." He said weakly and was out.

I took out the bloody syringe when I knew it was empty and threw it away and fell to the floor weak kneed. To be fucking honest, I was really scared, Newt, Thomas, Chuck and Gally all ran up to me. Yeah, yeah I know, don't make a big deal out of it, but me and Gally are good friends.

"Woah, woah, woah, you alright?" Thomas asked helping me onto my feet, which I still ended up crumpling even if I was in his arms. I shook my head "no" feeling like I might pass out, my breathing was fast and heavy.

Newt took a chance to hold me in his arms and stroked my blonde/blue hair. "Its okay, just calm down," He whispered soothingly, I tried to steady my breathing, but it's hard when you are that mother trucking scared.

"Sav just calm, Minho will be fine," Gally tried to reassure me, Chuck was standing there awkwardly, being the youngest and all.

"Ch-Chuck... Come here I want one of your hugs." I whisper, my voice not even being able to go louder than that now.

He walked over and Newt let me go, so I could let Chuck give me a hug. When he hugged me I felt happier and less scared, yes Chuck as a way with emotions. If you're sad he'll make you happy with a hug, if you're angry he'll make you laugh. He just is that way, and that's what I like.

"Thanks guys," I mumble into Chuck's shoulder.

"No problem." They all say as I back away from Chuck.

"And thanks for the hug, you really make me happy when you give me one," I say and smile. He smiles back and I stand up straight.

*time skip*

So Minho was fine after a few days, but still in a lot of pain even after the syringe.

"My leg hurts, my back hurts, my everything hurts," you mock him because he was starting to get annoying.

"I get the point now shut up!" He says sassily. I just laugh and say.


So how was it Sav!? Tell me by leaving a comment!!! Bye my pikachus!!!!!!!


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