Nate Pt. 2

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So yeah this will have multiple parts hope you enjoy. Now on to the sickfic.


I woke up sometime around eight forty-seven, Nate was still sleeping. I looked to the floor and see the bucket there, well so was Levi. I thought I told him to go to his bunk. I tried to get up but Nathaniel's arms were gripping around me.

"Pssst, Levi," I whispered. He stirred, but didn't wake up. "Levi Matthew Jones!" I said aloud, and Levi sat bolt upright looking around vigorously until he saw me laughing silently.

"Uugh... What?" He groaned. I stopped laughing.

"Help me get out of his grip, without waking him," I tell him, he gave me a weird look and started to unwrap Nate's arms from around me and helped me climb over him. "Thanks, and two questions. Why were you sleeping on the floor? And I thought I told you to go back to your bunk?"

"You did tell me to go back to my bunk, and I was asleep on the floor because I fell out again and couldn't be assed to climb back up." He explained as we walked to the back of the bus, I nod.

When we got  to the back Drew and Austin were sitting on the couch already. Drew looked at us.

"Hey," I mumble still a bit sleepy.

"Hi, two questions. Why does Nate look extremely pale and is still asleep? And why was he sleeping on the ground?" Drew asked not even aiming a question at Levi.

"One, Nate got sick last night a few times. And two, I have no idea ask Livi." I answered sitting next to Austin who put an arm around me.

"I fell out of my bunk and couldn't be assed to go back up..." He started. "And it really doesn't do good for your back," he groaned. I laughed with Drew and Austin and Levi jokingly punched my arm. We all just sat and talked about random shit, and ate breakfast, until Nate stumbled into the door frame leaning against the wall.

"Awwww.... Babe, you feeling better?" I ask going to help him come to the couch, he shook his head "no" and whimpered. "Feeling worse?" I question getting concerned. He nodded a "yes" as he leaned more into me.

"My tummy hurts..." Nate groaned, his voice barely above a whisper.

"I know, you want some medicine?" I ask softly helping him sit down beside Drew. He nodded weakly laying his head on Drew's shoulder, hugging his belly. I walked back to our bunk and grabbed the bottle of pepto and brought it back to the back lounge.

When I got there Drew was rubbing Nate's back, as tears silently ran down his cheeks. I smile sympathetically sitting next to him.

"Shhh, it's okay bud," Drew shushed him gently trying to calm him.

"Baby, I've got the medicine, now you just need to take it," I quietly say pouring the bubblegum pink liquid into the the clear medicine cup.

"Uuuugh-mmm... No please, not that one," Nate whined hiding his face into my neck, after he put his head on my shoulder.

"Nate, we don't have anything else," Levi told him, Austin wasn't even paying attention.

"Mmmmm..." He moaned and unburied his face from the crook of my neck. "Y/N, I don't want to take it," Nate whines again.

"Come on, it will help Nate." I tell him softly, Drew stroking his sweaty hair.

"M'fine..." He groaned and held his hand up for the medicine cup. I gave it to him and he put it to his lips drinking it then shivering. "It tastes gross," he groans giving me the empty cup.

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