Hayes - Stomach flu

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Christmas request dedicated to: geekreader100

Sorry if I'm kinda making it the same as the last one but its not going to be exact I'm going to start it where he already has it. If you don't know what I'm talking about I have an account I no longer use so if you want go check out some of the books even though some are not finished go ahead and also the name is LukeFangirl4Ever so yeah and now on to the sick fic. (Sorry if its super long)


Hayes had slept most of the night until about 3: 27 am.

He woke up from a nightmare and was drowning in sweat, he was sure he was going to throw up from waking up and suddenly having a nauseous feeling in his stomach. Hayes sat up slowly when he felt like he wasn't going to throw up... yet and leaned against the wall of his bunk. He put an arm around his gurgly tummy, he was extremely thirsty and thought if he drank some water it might help with the nausea. But he didn't get out of bed, he didn't know why he just felt like he... couldn't.

Hayes finally stood on shaky legs and held on to the wall to balance himself. Man was he dizzy. Hayes walked up and down the aisle where the bunks were for about six minutes trying to decide if he should go lay on the couch in the front, go back to his bunk or wake up one of the boys that were on the same tour bus as him.

He groaned and pulled at his sweaty hair before deciding to wake up his brother. He figured he should let Carter sleep since he stayed up with him longer than the others; he figured that if he tried to wake up Cameron he'd get yelled at, so his brother was the best option.

He was surprised to see Carter had left the curtain to his bunk open. Hayes felt bad when he realized it was probably so he could check up on him. He weakly lifted his arm to above Carter's bunk and pulled the curtain aside. There was Nash sound asleep. Hayes bit his lip and tapped his brothers shoulder. Nash twitched and mumbled something incoherent, but didn't wake up.

He gave up and made his way to the front of the bus. He felt bad for trying to wake him up, they all needed sleep and he felt bad about trying to wake Nash just for a cuddle.

When he got to the front he grabbed a water bottle from the mini fridge and sat at the table. He shivered as he unscrewed the cap and took a shaky sip. The water felt nice a refreshing on his raw from vomiting throat, but rather uncomfortable in his belly.

He took another small sip and placed the bottle on the table. He felt like he shouldn't drink more than that. Hayes looked to his left out the window and he rested his head on the cold glass. He stared out the window half-paying attention to the city and car lights sparkling over the rain covered window.

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