Jack Johnson - MagCon Tour

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T,PI know they aren't technically doing this any more, but its a request so...... yeah enjoy.

Christmas request dedicated to: geekreader100

btw if u don't know what JackJack is it's basically their ship name. I'm going to be using at least once in this chapter.


Johnson woke up at like 8:30 am shivering, but sweating, there was an unpleasant nauseous ache inside of his stomach, and he just felt horrible in general. He had a Christmas show tonight and didn't want to let his fans down, but he knew Gilinsky wouldn't let him perform. He had to be stubborn. (Well, he always is when he's sick ;3) Jack rolled off of the bed making sure to toss the blankets on the bed and keep going to the living room of the hotel room even if he was shivering.

He fell to the floor and stood shakily with a groan. He made his way to the lounge and sat on the couch next to Matthew.

"Hey," Matt said not looking up from his phone.

"Hey," Jack said hoarsely, grabbing a cushion and holding it to his churning stomach, closing his eyes.

Matt looked up from his phone and looked at him. "You okay?"

"Not really... no," Jack answered in a small whiney sort of voice, his stomach was really bothering him.

"What's bothering you? I know it has to be something," Matt-asaurus-Rex asks concerned. (Lol just had to. Don't Judge Me)

"My stomach, and head. But mostly my stomach," Jack said tearfully. He doesn't usually cry, unless something is really bugging him. He looked at Matt, eyes opened. They had bags under them, he was pale and just by looking at him you could tell he was sick.

"Hm... Well you don't look good. I don't think you should do the show tonight," Matt says. "And I swear if you play stubborn like last time, I'm going to make sure Gilinsky makes you stay behind,"

Jack gave him a look of "you wouldn't dare". Matt just nodded.

"Uuuugh fine, but I still want to at least go, I won't perform though," Jack lied. He for sure wasn't going to tell the truth that he was planning to be stubborn.

"You for sure aren't going to perform?" Matt asked suspiciously. He wasn't sure to trust him.

"For sure," He lied again.

"Okaaay," Matt said and he looked back at his phone.

Jack's tummy started to grumble a bit which sent some cramps with it, causing him to pull his feet onto the couch and bring his knees over the cushion, then placing his heavy head on his knees. he stared at the doorway with glassy, tear filled eyes, in a lot of pain. He closed his eyes and let a few tears fall down his cheeks. His stomach gurgled in discomfort as he shifted his sitting position on the couch.

"Mmmm..." He whimpered as Gilinsky walked in the room.

"Hey, You okay?" Jack asks hearing Johnson's low whimper.

"No, not really..." He whines barely moving. He let out a quiet sob and shoved his face into the pillow he was holding against his grumbly stomach.

"What's wrong?" Jack. G tries to ask, but doesn't get an answer from Johnson. He was already to upset to say anything else.

"Matt. Is Jack feeling alright?" Gilinsky asks a little more concerned that Jack didn't answer him.

"No, he told me his stomach was bothering him," Matt answered.

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