Michael- This Isn't Happening...

751 11 4

Dedicated to: Ilovejustin665


★Michael's POV★

I wasn't feeling very well all day and kept denying it to the others. I had a slight fever which gradually increased through out the day. When we came back to our hotel in London after an interview, I plopped on the couch and groaned.

"You sure you're feeling alright Mikey?" Luke asks, when he sits beside me.

I nod a "yes". "Yeah, I'm fine... Just tired," I mumble. "I'm gonna go to bed, Night guys." I say after about twenty minutes and stand up, walking to the bedrooms.

"Night Mike," Ashton waves.

"Night," Calum mutters.

I wave and close the door and jump onto the bed and fall asleep almost immediately.

★Luke's POV★

As Michael walked to the bedrooms I stared at the door for several minutes.

Why was he denying that he was sick? We all knew, he just kept denying it.

Ashton and Calum were busy planning stuff for the next few days for our tour. I was just going along with whatever they planed. I was sitting on the couch and decided to go to bed early. "Guys I'm going to bed early see ya in the morning!" I say and stand up.

"Kay, night!" They both say at the same time.

"Night," I walk to the bedroom and change, before getting in beside Michael since we were all two to a bed, it was me with Mike and Ash with Cal. I played on my phone for a bit before I put it away and fell asleep.

★ Ashton's POV ★

"Cal... It's late, we should go to bed," I say, three hours after Luke had gone.

"Yeah, I guess... Let's clean this stuff up first though," He says gesturing to the papers on the table.

"Well no duh..." I laugh.

He laughed and we cleaned off the table placing it into a neat pile in the centre. We walked to the bedrooms and change and go to bed. It took me a bit to fall asleep, but it took nothing at all for Calum.

★Michael's POV★

I woke up sometime around what two am. I was freezing cold though I was sweating. My head swam with dizziness I could barely concentrate on anything and I wanted to get water, but just as I tried to sit up, all goes black.

*in the morning*

★Luke's POV★

I moan and roll to the side and fall off the bed onto the hard floor. I groan in pain and stand up with a hand on my back. I felt a bit confused at first, but then I came to my senses. I went to wake up Michael by shaking his shoulder, but when I did he didn't wake up. I tried again. "Michael." I said close to his ear feeling heat radiate off of him. No response. I tried again and again for five minutes, I was starting to panic. I walk over to Ashton and Calum's bed and woke up Ashton.

"Ash... Ash!" I whisper shout.

"hmm what Luke?" He mumbled looking up. I was still panicking. My breathing quick and shallow. "Hey, hey what's wrong?"

"M-Mikey. H-he won't wake up. I tried for over five minutes, but he just won't," I tell him and sit on the bed next to him. "Ashton..." I mutter, as he stands up and walks over to Michael.

"Miiiikey... Waaake uuup." Ash says in a sing-song kind of voice. Michael still didn't respond and didn't wake up.

"Ash stop trying, he won't wake up, he has a fever, he hasn't even moved from that position when I came in last night. "

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