Newt - Heatstroke

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Sorry I just had to do one with Newt first!


So I was just peacefully sitting having lunch waiting for Newt to come and sit with me so we could talk about a few things, when Thomas and Minho run over carrying a limp and passed out Newt.

"Oh god, what the shuck happened!?" I exclaim loudly getting out of my seat.

"I dunno, he just collapsed while he was working." Thomas says adjusting Newt on his shoulder.

"Careful. He might just be tired he didn't get much sleep." I say, but I then notice beads of sweat forming on his forehead.

"Bring him to the Med-Jack hut, before he wakes up." I say a little concerned. I rush with Thomas and Minho by my side to the Med-Jack hut, opening the door for them, they lie him on a bed when we get in a room. Clint and Jeff weren't here at the moment, so I was alone to tend to Newt.

"What exactly happened?" I ask, walking around trying to get things for my unconscious boyfriend.

"I dunno. I already told you that." Thomas says clearly annoyed.

"Sorry, I just meant before he collapsed, was he a bit shaky as he was walking?"

"Well, yeah, and he was a bit shaky picking up the hoe." Thomas answer less annoyed now.

You see yesterday and today were scorching hot days and Newt and whole bunch of others were outside all day. But I guess Newt specifically didn't go under a tree every so often cause well now he has heatstroke.

Newt twitched about five minutes after I put the cold, wet cloth on his head.

"K you guys can go." I say and they scramble away just as Newt's eyes flutter open.

"Hey babe. How you feeling?" I ask, as he looks around trying to figure out where he was.

"Hmmm." He moans realizing he was in the "hospital". "I feel... Like klunk." He mumbled.

"I can clearly tell." I mutter going to grab a Styrofoam cup to give him some water.

"Y/N, I don't feel so good." Newt mutteref, as I hand him the cup of water.

"You feel like you're gone puke?" I ask. He nods slowly moaning.(oh god, that sounded a little sexual)

"Try and sit up, I'll get the mop bucket over here." I walk over to a cabinet and open it revealing a grey plastic mop bucket.

I pick it up putting it on the floor, so I could help Newt sit up seeing as though he couldn't him self. When I finally sat him up I pick up the bucket holding it on his knees as leans over, his head hovering above it.

"I d-don't want to bloody be sick." Newt whimpered.

"I know, but its better. You'll be okay Newtie." I say soothingly, rubbing his back.

Next thing I know he's heaving over the bucket trying to get what is inside his tummy out.

He continuously kept gagging for over five minutes, before anything made an appearance.




Were some of the vile sounds that Newt made while he threw up his guts.

"Oh that's nasty." I murmur. He nods getting a short break to take a breath before it hitches in his throat.

"Hey Y/N you need so- woah!" Clint says walking in.

"Yeah I know. Nah I'm good." I say, Newt now no longer vomiting and he leaned on me forehead and torso covered with sweat. His hair was wet from sweat.

"You sure?" He asked looking at Newt who was taking heavy deep breaths.

"Yeah I'm sure. Bye"

"Hmmm, this truly sucks." Newt whined.

"I know. But is that my fault? No, because you decided to keep working in the heat that was around."

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. Can I lay down again, I'm dizzy." He mumbles.

"Yeah. Newt next time we have a day like this get out of the heat for a few hours." I say putting the bucket back on the floor. I help him lie down on his side.

"Yeah," newt mumbles falling asleep."Babe, thanks for taking care of me."

"No problem. Now go to sleep." I say rubbing his arm and with in seconds he's snoring quietly.

So there you go people!! Plz let me know how I did and that's all bye my pikachus!!!!!!


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