Cameron- No One Belives Him

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Dedicated to: Camsgirlxox

Okay so I'm gonna make it so like they're on tour even though they don't technically do it anymore.


no one's POV★

They were all stressed out, from organizing all this stuff for tour. Aaron, Taylor, Matthew and Nash were starting to get grumpy. Cameron's stomach was starting to hurt, but he passed it off as stress and lack of food. Hayes, Carter and Johnson were just fed up and wanted it to be over. And the rest were just simply annoyed with all this shit. When it was all over they went to their hotel and went to bed.

★Cameron's POV★

I woke up feeling worse then when I went to sleep. I groan and get up, grabbing some clothes and heading to the bathroom. As I walk in I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Man did I look awful. I was pale, my hair was kinda wet with sweat, sticking in different directions and my eyes had bags under them. I close my eyes and sigh. I stripped down and took a shower, hoping it would help.

When I get out I just feel plain horrible. I dry off and change into my clothes making a lazy attempt at my hair and head to the living room part of the hotel room, sitting beside Carter.

"Hey," I mumble sleepily, still kind of tired.

"Hey, you want some breakfast?" Carter asks as I sit down.

I shake my head "no". "Nah... I don't feel 100%,"

"Really dude?" Carter asks looking at me.


"You're doing it again... You're playing your sick trick." Carter says.

"What!? No." I say defensively.

You see the last time we had a busy day like today, I faked being sick to get out of little stuff, until I completely forgot about my sick act and they caught me out when I started to laugh and go crazy at the meet and greet.

"Sorry Cam, but I'm not falling for it again." Carter says and gets up. As Carter leaves I sigh and lay my head back against the couch, closing my eyes, I decide not to mention this to anyone else, knowing they won't believe me.

We went with the day me mostly falling asleep where I sat. I was drained, like super tired and Carter had told a few of the guys I was pulling my sick act. We had some spare time, so I sat on a couch and fell asleep.

★Nash's POV★

I heard Carter telling some of the guys that Cameron was pulling his sick trick again to get out of stuff. But he looked so drained and I doubt anyone can act this tired, to be honest I don't even think anyone can make themselves this pale either.

"Hey Carter..." I say.

"Huh?" He asked.

"Didn't you say Cam was pulling his sick trick earlier?" I ask.

"Yeah, he told me this morning he was feeling well, but he looked fine he's just acting," Carter said.

I say nothing and just nod and walk away. He must've told him he didn't believe him, so as soon as he said it, Cameron decided not to tell anyone else thinking we'd all just disbelieve him. After a bit Carter woke him up and we all went back to the hotel and Cameron fell asleep on the couch again.

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