Luke- Luke buddy its okay...

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Dedicated to: niallscutesmile


★Luke's POV★

"Luke! Luke! Wake up!!" I hear and feel someone jumping on my bed. I groan and hide deeper in my blankets. "Get up penguin boy." Michael teases, ripping the covers off me.

"Uugh, Mike give me the blankets," I mumble, grabbing blindly in the direction I heard his voice come from.

"Noo, get up! We have to go soon," he says.

"Come on Michael, please, let me sleep...." I groan cuddling into the pillow.

Michael knows I'm not a morning person. They all know I'm not a morning person, especially when I'm sick.

I feel the blanket get thrown on me again. I smile and hug it tightly around me. Then I feel myself getting lifted up. I start squirming. "Mikey, put me down!" I cry, my stomach turning nauseously.

"Oh sorry, you still feeling sick?" He asks me carefully laying me down again. I nod and hold my belly.

You see, yesterday I felt sick all day; I wouldn't eat and I felt weak and feverish. Its not like I threw up or anything, but I just felt sick. I groan and look at Mike sadly. "Where's pengie?" I ask wondering where my stuffed penguin went off to.

He smiles and grabs it off the side table. "Nooo Mikey!! Gimme Pengie!!" I whine grabbing at the air in front of me for my penguin. He gives it to me and I smile contently. "Where's Ashton?" I ask.

"Dunno," Michael says then suddenly shouts. "ASHTON!!! LUKE WANTS YOU!!!" I wince slightly and blush hiding into the covers.

I feel the blanket get ripped off me again. "Aaaaash!" I cry trying to grab them again.

"You wanted me Luke?" He says and plops beside me. I nod and tell him I still felt sick. "You do? I was wrong then... I thought it was one of those 24 hour things." He says.

I groan. "Can I go back to sleep please..." I mumble.

"Yeah. Sorry you still don't feel well."


They both leave and I'm left to fall asleep my stomach turning and my fever making me miserable. I fall asleep again hugging my penguin.

*time skip*

★Ashton's POV★

I was really angry at our management for making Luke preform. He was looking more and more peaky as the day went on he hasn't eaten except maybe having a little soup. He was really pale, sweating, shivering, and whimpering, hugging his stomach. I glare at our manager as we walk on stage Luke shakily heading to his mic.

As we began our concert, I kept a close eye on Luke and listened carefully to his voice to give me any heads up on if something bad was about to happen.

About, maybe, three fifths of the way into it. Luke's voice was starting to tremble and I can hear, quiet whimpers when he backs away from his microphone. We were just about to get Luke to talk while me and Calum played a good tune to the way he was talking, when Luke suddenly collapses to his hands and knees. I stood up and ran to him in a mere ten seconds.

As I get close I see him start to gag. I speed up and kneel next to him a hand holding him up while the other was over his stomach. I rub his back as he starts to puke onto the stage, Michael and Calum suddenly rushing toward us.

"Hey hey shh its okay Luke." I cooe as I rub up and down on his back. He cries out in pain and whines as he vomits yet again. "Mike get management now!" I say rushed. He nods and runs off to toward back stage.

"Hmmm A-Ash..." Luke stutters quietly swaying slightly.

"Shh its okay Lukey," I shush gently as he coughs and pukes. I rub his back gently and hold him up when he passes out. I pick him up bringing him to the couch back stage. Calum following. I lay him down and sit on the floor in front of him while Mike talked to management.

Michael came back after awhile with out a word laying with Luke on the couch, holding the youngest close to his chest. I talked to management. They told me to bring him to the hospital, and so we did, Michael not willing to let him go.

★Michael's POV★

We brought Luke to the hospital. Ashton kept trying to pry me away from him, but I wouldn't. I wouldn't let go of my penguin. So they just left me laying on Luke's hospital bed holding him to my chest.

After a while Luke woke up and was panicky. I tried to comfort him, but he was just crying and crying.

"Nooo! Please!!" He would cry, clinging to my chest. I felt so bad for him. I rubbed his back gently holding him close to me.

"Shhhh... It's okay Lukey." I whisper to him as he kept crying, hugging his upset stomach. "Shhhh... Calm down baby." I cooe. I blush slightly from calling him baby, but that's what it felt like. It felt like he was a little baby crying, missing his mummy. (Awww my poor baby Lukey 😘 welcome for some Muke ;3)

Ashton walked back in the room after a few minutes, of me finally calming Luke down. "Hey Ash," I say quietly as I gently rub up and down on Luke back, as he quietly whimpers into my chest.

"Hey Mikey... How's Hemmo doing?" He asks. I look down at Luke then look back up.

"Not to good. He was crying pretty badly while you were gone. I finally calmed him down when you walked in." I state. "Shh... its okay little penguin." I cooe, kissing the side of his head. I feel him smile slightly and sniffle. I look up and see Ashton smiling. "What?"

"Huh? Oh uh..." He says awkwardly. "Nothing you guys just look cute is all"

I blush and hide a bit my face the same color as my hair. "Hmmm M-Mikey..." Luke whimpers.

"Yeah Lukey?"

"Don't feel g-good." He mumbles.

"You think you're gonna be sick?" I ask moving his sweaty hair behind his ear. He nods and turns away from my chest to face Ashton. Out of nowhere he just starts puking, not really being able to stop. I kinda just lay there with my jaw dropped as Ashton grabbed a bucket to put under his chin. I rubbed Luke's back softly pulling his hair back as he shook ad continued to puke into the bucket.

"Poor guy." Ash says quietly while holding the bucket for him.

"Where the fuck is Calum?" I ask looking around. "Never mind." I mumble when I see him asleep in a chair.

I look back at Luke as he starts shaking with tears. "Luke, buddy its okay..." I cooe sadly, rubbing his back. He whimpers and lay back down cuddling into me still crying. "My poor baby." I whisper hugging him gently. I start humming, playing with his sweaty hair. He falls asleep in my arms after a few minutes. "Poor little penguin." I whisper.

How was it? Bye my pikachus!!!!!


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