Nash- I'm Not Sick! Okay!

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Dedicated to:m_aiden

Uuuuuugh... I fucking hate my life! The day I'm supposed to go somewhere with the guys I get sick!! FUCK!! My stomach hurts, I have a god damn migraine, my eyes feel heavy and I don't wanna move. Of course I'm determined to hide it so the guys can still enjoy the day without feeling guilty.

So forcefully, I make myself get out of bed and and change into a pair of sweats and over-sized hoodie feeling cold as fuck. I walk downstairs and catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Oh great I look just as bad as I feel. Just GREEEEEAAAT! I think as I walk in the living room.  My face was pale, I had bags under my eyes, and I could see the sweat gathering on my forehead. I grab something small to eat just to see if my stomach hurting was because I was hungry, and eat like half of it and throw the rest out before going to pick up the guys. I grab my keys and slowly make my way to my car. My stomach gurgles rather unhappily and I place a hand on it and groan quietly. I swallow at the sudden nausea and hold on to the outside of my car, a wave of dizziness washing over me. I whimper a bit, my stomach rolling with uneasiness as I stood there. I lightly rub my belly to try and calm it.

I lost my breath pretty quickly, even though I was just standing there and barely moving. Dizzy, sick to my stomach, and trying to catch my breath, I stare at the ground and gag a bit, bending down slightly. As I breathe heavily, my stomach whirling, I gag again becoming more nauseated, my vision a little off. I burp a bit and spit early, trying to prepare for the worst that I knew was gonna happen. "F-fuck... I don't... Don't feel good," I whisper to myself as I stood there, holding my car for support. After a few minutes, the nausea fades and I'm left standing there, my mouth half open, stomach hurting more than ever before, and my migraine increasing. I shiver and weakly open my car door, slowly sitting down in my seat, closing the door and rubbing my aching tummy. I sniffle, wanting to cry, but I suck it up and start my car pulling out of the drive way going to pick up: Carter, Cameron, Aaron, and Shawn.

*skip car ride and pick up*

I picked them all up and I had Shawn in the front with me, and Carter, Cameron and Aaron in the back. I was beginning to feel nauseous again, but I tried to push it aside and keep going. What was even worse was Cam and Carter were being awfully loud and it was proceeding to hurt my head, Shawn was snapchatting weird ass shit, and Aaron was the only one being quiet. I moan quietly, biting my lip as my stomach starts gurgling and bubbling in discomfort from the bumps and turns of the car. I hiccup a bit and whimper a little from the pain it caused on my belly and diaphragm. I take one of my hands carefully off the wheel and place it on my stomach, discretely rubbing it.

I was so relieved, when I got to our destination because I made it without vomiting. I get out slowly, while the others hop out and start screaming and going crazy. I laugh a little with them stuffing my hands into my sweater pockets to rub my churning stomach. I shakily walk with them into the building and when we get inside they automatically start running around like little kids. I smile a little, but walk to a table, sitting down and laying my head on the cool, wooden surface. I sigh at the cool feeling on my hot, sweaty skin. I tiredly close my eyes and rub my belly.

After a while I almost fell asleep, but I felt someone's hand on my shoulder, I jump a bit and slowly open my eyes to see the four boys standing around me. They all had a soft, sympathetic smile. "Hey, sorry if I scared you Nash." Shawn says with a light laugh, but his voice held concern. "You alright?" He asks.

"You're not looking to hot," Cameron adds.

I just nod. "Yeah... M'okay." I mumble. "I'm just... Really tired." I lie. Carter gives me a look like "are you serious right now? " I nod at him.

"You sure? You look sick," Aaron asks and I feel Shawn rub my back.

"I'm not sick," I whisper, closing my eyes as my stomach gurgles under my hand.

"Nash... We'll understand. Come on." Shawn says, rubbing across my shoulders. And if I had to admit, that felt very, very nice.

"I'm not sick! Okay!" I snap a little. I keep discretely rubbing my tummy and I bite my lip trying my best not to whimper in pain. I hear Shawn sigh and keep rubbing my shoulders. I close my eyes again and smile at the soothing rhythm on my shoulders. 

After a bit, they still hadn't left and I was starting to feel sick again. I was too tired to keep up the "I'm fine" façade anymore. I moan and rub my stomach. "You okay?" I hear Shawn ask quietly.

I shake my head and whimper quietly as my stomach bubbles and gurgles under my hand. I start shaking with heavy breaths as the nausea rises. "I-I think..." I start and swallow. I slowly lift my head and try to shakily get up to go to the bathroom, but I couldn't do it. "Hmmmmm..." I moan sadly and rub my stomach, laying my head back. "Guys... I don't feel so good," I whisper. I feel Shawn sit down next to me still rubbing  my back. 

"Anything hurt?" He asks. I nod and groan still rubbing my stomach.

"My head and stomach." I whisper. "But my stomach hurts so much right now," I say and whimper.

I hear someone run back and feel something on my lap. I open my eyes and groan starting to panic when I see a bucket in front of me. "No... Oh no, oh no! Oh GOD!" I cry, making myself feel worse.

"Shh it's okay calm down." Someone tells me. I had no idea who, but who ever it was pulled my hair back as I gag  over the bucket. I whimper and gag several more times before vomit comes barreling up my throat. 

"Uuugh..." I groan when I got a small break. 

I threw up for at least 2 minutes before it started coming out of my nose. I groan holding my stomach as I kept throwing up. I stopped after a bit and I sat there my mouth half open as I took rather heavy and shaking breaths. Shawn was still rubbing my back and holding my hair out of my face. "I think you have a stomach flu Nash..." He mumbles.

I nod and whine a bit. "I wanna go home..." I whisper tearfully.  I look up weakly and bite my lip. "Can someone bring me home? Please?" 

"Yeah I'll bring all of you home," Cameron says. I give him my keys and weakly stand up with the help of Shawn and Aaron. They help me to my car and I lay across Carter and Aaron's legs while they sat in the back. One of them was rubbing my stomach while the other played with my hair. I closed my eyes and moaned a bit when the car started moving. 

When I got home Cam helped me to my room and left before coming back to take care of me. After a few days I was better, but Shawn and Cameron were sick and Me, Aaron and Carter helped take care of them.



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