Cameron - Really Bad Stomach Flu Pt.1

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Dedicated to: AshleySky_ by the way there might be some Cash or Cayes in this so bare with me and this will also be a bit of a long chapter.

★Cameron's POV★

I woke up sometime around, I guess two fifty six am, gasping for air and drowning in sweat after waking up from a nightmare. I was so unsettled that I didn't notice the nauseous feeling twisting through my stomach, until I calmed and my breathing slowed. I groaned wrapping an arm around my, suddenly, aching belly.

I wasn't at home at the moment, I was currently having a sleepover at Nash and Hayes' place. If I got sick here they'd probably feel guilty and I didn't want that, so as much as I wanted to wake one of them up to tell them I wasn't feeling well, I stayed put in the damp with sweat bed. My stomach churned nauseatingly and painfully, and it gurgled and groaned as I turned to my side, pulling my knees to my bare chest. It was surprisingly cold in the room even though I'm sweating buckets. I tried to fall back asleep, but the nauseous feeling in my tummy made it hard to. I closed my eyes and whimpered a bit when a cramp twisted through my stomach.

"Mmmmm-uuuuuugh..." I moan out loud. I nuzzle my face into the pillow and finally, I ended up falling asleep again, but its restless.

★Nash's POV★

I keep hearing a persistent whining and whimpering. I try to find a more comfortable position on my bed so I can ignore the noises, but I can't knowing it could be either Hayes or Cam.

I opened my eyes and saw a blank canvas of wall, so I turned the other way and saw Cameron tossing and turning in his sleep, arms wrapped around his stomach. I decided to get up and wake him to ask if he's okay. I groan quietly rolling off my bed and stand up, walking over to my squirming friend.

"Hey Cam, you okay?" I ask tapping his shoulder. He opened his eyes and looked me straight in the face, his hazel brown eyes glassy, tears brimming them. "Hey, hey... What's wrong?" I ask softly when he started to cry.

"I-I don't feel good..." He started shakily. "My stomach hurts... Mmmmmhmmm," he whines.

I pull him into a hug, Cameron resting his chin on my shoulder. "Shh... Its okay bud." I whisper trying not to wake my brother who's in the other room with his door open. "When did you start feeling sick?"

"I d-don't know... I think three Am." He whimpered quietly into my shoulder. I rubbed his sweaty back as we hugged for over two minutes.

"You wanna cuddle in my bed for awhile, or stay here?" I ask softly, pulling away from the hug slowly.

"H-here, please..." He mumbled. I lied down and he lied beside me putting his head somewhat between; my shoulder, base of my neck and my chest. "N-Nash, can you-mmmm," he moaned.

"What bud?" I question rubbing his arm. He seemed so small at the moment.

"Can you rub my tummy?" Cameron asks like a four year old.

"Yeah Buddy, anything to help you feel better." I say putting a hand on his abs and rubbing in circles. "Making it any better?" I ask a few minutes later. Cam nods and his stomach gurgles loudly. "Awww jeez that didn't sound good."

"Mmmmm..." He moaned and burped, a second one followed, except sounding more like it gurgled. "N-Nash... I think I'm gonna puke." He whimpered.

"Oh shit, do you think you'll be able to reach the bathroom?" I ask sitting him up slowly. He shook his head and suddenly gagged. I jumped up and grabbed my trash can that is empty. I placed it one the floor and sat next to Can again rubbing his hunched over back, instead of his belly. "You'll be okay Cam," I encourage my sick friend.

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