Barbed Rose

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Ryder breathed in her heady scent and dropped his hands from the wall. His long fingers grazed against her bare arms before encasing her petite waist. The flesh was warm beneath his finger tips and he traced the outline of her firm abdominal muscles. He returned his kisses to her lips, her delectable rose bud lips that were so eager but so soft and yielding against his. Her mouth tasted divine but a growing ache demanded that it wasn't enough. He wanted her.

She jumped up and wrapped her legs around his waist, driven by the same hunger. He gripped her bum securely and carried her to the bed. He didn't break the kiss as he lowered her onto the mattress and hovered over her. Pressed up this close he could feel every contour of her trembling form against his. With one hand he unbuttoned the top of her tight mini skirt and began to tug it down her hips.

He paused, his fingers clutching at the denim. She had dressed purposefully tonight. The revealing clothes...stripping in front of him, Ryder's mind raced but he didn't break away from her. Despite her claim she had set out to seduce him from the beginning, but now he needed to know why.

Distracted by his thoughts, Lauren was able to roll them over so that she was on top. The skirt was now completely discarded and her panties alone remained. She straddled him, breaking the kiss and sitting up tall as she rocked her hips over his groin. Ryder groaned and all thoughts about her motives melted away. He admired as Lauren leant down over him, her shining brown hair spilling over his chest as she teased his nipples with her mouth. Expertly sucking and nipping playfully at them before soothing with her devilish tongue.

After giving each equal attention her lips trailed down a fiery path of kisses past his belly button. Suddenly she stopped and looked up at him, a wicked smirk playing on her face.

"Kill the vampire," she ordered confidently. Ryder sat up in one fluid motion. They glared at one another eye to eye with barely a hairs breadth between them.

"Is that what this seduction was about?" His voice was cool but his hands secured her hips in place on his lap. Lauren shrugged.

"I knew I'd never win an argument with you about this and I'm not strong enough to kill him myself." He took that as a yes. He didn't know why that answer bothered him so much. It certainly troubled his plans. If he was going to get to Oliver he needed the sister under his control not himself under hers. "He's an enemy of my family. I want him gone." Her grin widened and she rocked against him once more and pressed her core over the bulge in his trousers. Her tongue deftly flicked out over his mouth and she tasted his lower lip. "Kill him for me and I'll give you many happy endings." She promised archly.

Ryder debated briefly and concluded that it might be entertaining to play this game with her. She was certainly a very experienced lover.

"It's a deal, so how about one happy ending now to wet my appetite for the more to come?" He nibbled her ear. Lauren pressed her palms against his sculpted chest and pushed him down so he was flat on his back. Her hair flowed over her shoulder like a wave of dark honey. She shook her head, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

"You've said 'deal'. Kill the vampire and you can have me tomorrow night," her lips went to his ear and he could feel her breasts pressed up against his chest, "as many times as you want." Reluctantly he let her climb off him and search for her clothes. Her smooth skin was flawless unlike his. A myriad of scars ransacked his flesh, cutting nicks into his vibrant tattoos.  It had been a lie what she had said before, that they were the same, they weren't the same, only he was the broken one.

Lauren stood before him, still bare chested and frowning down at the flimsy and blood soaked garment in her hands. Sighing he got to his feet and retrieved a black t-shirt. On Lauren it nearly reached her knees and looked ridiculous, she scowled at him when he chuckled. Angrily she put her hands on her hips and cocked her head at him. Ryder bent down and planted a soft kiss on her mouth.

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