Lady with Claws

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The creaking mattress sunk entirely under Ryder's weight and offered very little comfort compared to sitting on the floor. He stretched his long legs over the mattress and they skimmed the freshly cleaned floor. Ryder gave a small smile of approval when Lewis mirrored his position.

"You're different Lewis, a wolf with no Alpha blood and yet the strength to rival them. They fear you and yet now you rot in a prison. But I'll show you where you went wrong." Ryder glanced over to check that Lewis was paying attention. Lewis' bright blue eyes were riveted on him.

"By coming here," Lewis assumed.

"You took the wrong turn before that. You're not of an alpha bloodline and yet you took on the alpha role that was your mistake. You could have been something new, something truly fearsome and no rebel wolves could rise up and call you usurper because you would be in the role only you were designed for." Lewis followed the movement of Ryder's hands as they grasped at the air, trying to seize an idea and understanding.

"To lead you must first become irreplaceable. Alphas' come and go, they die and heirs replace them. But look at me, none of my men are going to question my leadership because if I went, there would be void, a wound that would fester where my guidance used to be. But there isn't a throne, or title or even a room for my usurper to inherit." Lewis nodded his head slowly, but a frown blemished his handsome face.

"But no one ever has stolen my place, I've never been challenged." Lewis argued hesitantly, not wanting to return to chains once again due to a hasty word.

"That was only luck that you were here and not there.  My sources tell me that there was a rebellion shortly after you left in which the werewolf Shayne was briefly named alpha-"

"Shayne!" Lewis' eyes shifted coal black and he snarled angrily. Ryder hesitated, surprised by the strength of Lewis' sudden reaction. He had thought that he had the wolf under better control. He couldn't have Lewis' wolf reappearing and connecting with Lewis once again. Lewis had to remain ignorant of what was happening to him and surely his wolf would try to warn him. Ryder made a mental note to double the dose that he slipped into Lewis' food.      

"Yes, he failed but that makes little odds to you. You're no longer an Alpha and that liberates you to be much more." Ryder got to his feet. "I'll be back tomorrow and we'll talk some more. Be sure to eat well tonight." Lewis watched Ryder leave him and remained frozen a long after, staring transfixed at the door.

A guard came and left, leaving a steaming bowl of food. Lewis' stomach growled ravenously but he hesitated.

There had been a brief moment when his body had felt consumed by hate, just thinking the name Shayne, made him clench his hands into fists. Shayne was the son of a murderous Alpha wolf, had tried to challenge him and stirred a rebellion. Lewis punched the wall, growling in rage.

A tiny crack appeared in the thick stone beneath his fist, unnoticed by him. But Shayne had always served and obeyed him, never questioned and always thrown away his life to defend him. Shayne was one of his sworn warriors, a brother to him same as Ian and Caleb. So why did he loathe him so much?

Lewis growled in frustration and paced the cramped space of his cell. There was something that he had forgotten, something very important that had made him hate Shayne with every fibre of his being. Lewis stared at the enticing stew at his feet. Ryder had told him to eat and Ryder was his friend, he was going to teach him to become something better and make him stronger than his enemies. Ryder was the only man who hadn't abandoned him now.   

Lewis picked up the stew and poured the contents into the foul smelling slob bucket they had given him for his waste. His stomach growled harshly at him. Lewis gnawed his lip. Ryder would know what he'd done. He knew everything and he's punish him for it. He'd punish him until Lewis trusted him. Lewis groaned heavily, he should have eaten the food. He'd give anything now to turn back time and just trust Ryder and eat the stew. But it was too late and what had become a moment of doubt was elongating. It wasn't something that he'd forgotten but someone.

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