Always in Sight

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Ryder dragged Lauren back to her parent's street. All the lights were out and the entire neighbourhood was in a deathly hush. He retrieved his car keys and opened the car door for Lauren to get in first. Ryder's engine turned on with a purr and they accelerated off silently. Lauren nibbled her lip.

"How far?" She asked raggedly. Ryder clenched his jaw, his dark eyes tight and the tendon's standing out in his arms. Too far.

The roads were mainly deserted and Ryder raced down them like a mad man. His mind tortured him with images of all the things he wanted to do to her. Lauren noticed that his trousers were becoming painfully tight and grinned, mischievously.

"Don't even think about it," Ryder warned sternly as her hand outstretched toward him. "Neither of us could walk away from a car wreck." He gripped the steering wheel tighter, resisting the growing urge to stop the car and fuck her on the back seat. No one had ever made him feel like this before. She was under his skin, in his every thought and as desperately needed as oxygen. She consumed him, possessed him utterly and that thought should have been enough to walk away. But he had lost that battle already.


Lauren couldn't see much of the house in the dark. She could see the lack of neighbours though. They were in the middle of nowhere. Fear tugged at her stomach as she realised that she was very much at Ryder's mercy. Ryder killed the engine and got out of the car, he waited until she was out and walking to his side before he made his way up the drive.

The porch light went out as they approached the door and Lauren used the light to inspect the front garden. There wasn't one, it was all gravel but her eyes cast over a motorbike that gleamed in the moonlight. It was large, black and on the seat the yellow eyes of a feral wolf glared up at her.    

"Robin," Ryder greeted the giant who filled the doorway. Robin's hair was cropped close to his head, he was nearly as wide as he was tall and had thick stubble darkening the lower half of his face. Like Ryder, he had a collection of tattoos but whilst Ryder's were a collection of individual images, Robins covered his arms and neck in a burst of colour and mayhem. Thorn resembled a kitten compared with this hulk.

"Sire," Robin greeted, his voice booming like a roll of thunder. Ryder stepped into the house, pulling Lauren in after him. He led the way down the hallway and Robin followed. "I need to talk with you." He informed Ryder earnestly. Ryder brushed him aside.

"Not now, later."

The bedroom the couple entered was clean and tidy with a large king's size bed taking up the majority of the room. Ryder pushed Lauren onto the bed and clambered eagerly on top of her. His hungry mouth found hers and he attacked her soft lips whilst his hands travelled down her waist. He paused and pulled back when Lauren didn't respond beneath him. Tears sparkled in her emerald eyes.

Ryder frowned and cupped her cheek tenderly with one large hand.

"Why are you crying?" He asked her softly. Lauren shook her head and a tear caught on her eyelashes. The image of the glaring, yellow eyes were branded behind her eyelids but the eyes weren't on a motorbike seat anymore, they belonged first to George and Lewis, the wolves that Ryder had killed without remorse. They glared at her in loathing and disgust, how could she enjoy the touch of a monster like Ryder?

"I can't do this," she replied, not looking him in the eye. Ryder's frown deepened, his need to have her was torturous, her scent, the softness of her skin and her sudden vulnerability all aroused him to the point of madness. Tears slipped down her pale face. Moving slowly Ryder moved to her side and sat down on the bed with his back resting against the headboard. Tenderly he pulled her toward him so that her back rested against his firm chest. His warmth embraced her in a tight cocoon and he kissed her head.

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