He Loves You

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Leaves flew about the lawn and the tree's swayed from the violent gusts of wind. Wade had volunteered to help Lauren practise, up for anything that allowed him to escape Robin's constant staring, but now he was weighing his options. The large, hulking guy wasn't too bad.

"I think I have bruises on bruises," he whimpered. Lauren had decked him out in cycling helmet, mouth guard and shin and elbow pads. Beneath his thick duffle coat were two pillows strapped to his stomach and chest. They didn't work. To begin with they had armed him with a tennis racket but now Wade was precariously wielding a rolling pin.

"Sorry," Lauren removed his helmet and examined his most recent injury. She had hoped that Ryder would help her to practise but he had disappeared and Robin wouldn't tell them where he was. Wade's heart pounded in his chest and his palms became sweaty. Lauren was so close that he could feel her breath on his face. She gently touched his hairline, checking to see how tender the bruise was. Wade's eyes locked on her lips, he remembered the taste of them, and how soft they had felt against his own.  

He stepped back and quickly looked away. She was with Ryder now. His heart tightened within in his chest and he struggled to catch his breath. He didn't want to lose her to a man like that, a monster with such a blackened soul.

"What do you think will happen to us, Lauren?" His voice was rougher and he still couldn't look her in the eye.

"We'll be fine," Lauren narrowed her eyes shrewdly as she observed him. "Does it bother you, that I'm not human anymore?" Hurt crept into her tone though she tried to sound indifferent. Wade's gaze snapped up to hers.

"No!" he burst out quickly before colouring, "it doesn't bother me at all." Lauren frowned.

"Good," awkward tension began to settle between them. Lauren swung her arms aimlessly by her sides. "Don't worry, I'm working on something." Wade bit his lip.

"Does it include Ryder?" Lauren's mouth twitched slightly, but otherwise her expression remained neutral.  

"Yes, it includes him." Her gaze flickered back to the house. She couldn't see any sign of Ryder or Robin. Facing away from the house windows, she whispered urgently into Wade's ear. "When you track down that government base, tell me first, not Ryder."  Wade's eyes widened in surprise but he nodded his head.

They headed back into the house. Wade went to get changed whilst Lauren headed for the kitchen in search of a first aid box. Robin was sat at the kitchen table.

"Hey Robin," she greeted breezily. He didn't respond. Lauren turned away from the cupboard to look more closely at him. "Is everything okay?" His expression was stern and his dark gaze was lost, boring a hole into nothingness. "Robin?" He jerked suddenly and snapped his gaze to hers. Lauren frowned, her concern growing. "Robin, what-?"

"They paid a visit to your apartment." He declared suddenly, interrupting her question and successfully distracting her. "Searched through your things, took a couple of files and your laptop." Lauren's legs sagged beneath her and she quickly sat down.


"She's fine, shaken up but okay." He reassured quickly. Lauren worried the edge of her lip.

"I need to phone her, can I borrow your safe phone?" She asked anxiously. Robin shook his head.

"The less she knows, the safer she'll be." He reasoned levelly. Lauren began to play fretfully with her hands.

"That's just the point." Robin read the guilt in her eyes and his heart sank. "I told her about Ryder." Lauren screamed in surprise when Robin's meaty fist thumped down on the table.  

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