So Deadly My Dear

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A/N: Thank you jojoasi for all of your comments =)

Ryder was using her bedroom to make an important phone call and had locked her out. Irritated, with her hair and face not yet done she went across the landing for her parent's room to use their mirror. The front door opened as she was reaching the door and she stopped. Peering through the banisters she saw her father's sandy head below. Her mother quickly scurried to his side.

"Darling, is everything ready?" Mary Fox asked excitedly. She was already dressed, in an elegant black dress fringed with gold that shimmered as she moved. Christian kissed wife on the cheek in greeting before shaking off his coat.

"Everything's prepared. It's going to be quite the spectacle. It might give the press that are hanging around something to actually write about." His voice was deep and those he didn't know him well assumed that he was always in a temper for he never smiled even when making a joke. Mary sighed unhappily and led the way into the living.

"Those vultures, how can they still be pecking away at that family for a story?" Moving with extreme care not to make a sound, Lauren crept down the stairs and hovered behind the living room door out of sight.

"They think they're on to something. First the incident at the church and then the daughters odd behaviour-" She heard her father pouring himself his customary evening drink. Mary interrupted her husband.

"They're focusing on the daughters?" She exclaimed aghast at the idea. "We can't let the press get close to this story. They could uncover everything." Lauren's interest heightened as she speculated if her parents were discussing something supernatural.

"I know, don't worry. I have a plan on how to deal with them." Christian reassured Mary, his knees clicking as he sat down heavily on the sofa beside her. Lauren had to inch closer to make out her mother's next soft words.

"Andrew thinks it's time we hunted down the werewolf." Both Lauren and Mary started in surprise when a sudden meaty thud resounded when Christian thumped the table.

"Christ's sake, she's just a child!" He raged, sloshing his drink over the sides. Mary quickly put a coaxing hand on his arm.

"Hush, Christian. Lauren's here with a guest." She insisted softly, taking the drink from his hands and setting it safely on a coaster. This news worked at distracting him.

"A friend?" He questioned suspiciously. Lauren began to feel guilty. It was true that she never brought anyone home to meet her parents. It wasn't that she was ashamed of them, just that she didn't want to include others in the complicated relationship they shared.

"A man," Mary replied pointedly. Her father must have been pulling a face because Mary quickly added, "be nice." Lauren rolled her eye. If her dad was nice to Ryder she would eat her hat. Deciding that they probably weren't going to talk about anything supernatural now, Lauren decided to enter the room.

"Hello dad," she greeted, going forward to give him a quick hug. Christian pecked her lightly on the forehead.

"Princess, how was the holiday?" She opened her mouth to lie but was saved the trouble as her dad glared at her stomach. "You've gained weight," he accused. Lauren knew that she hadn't, if anything she was thinner through stress. But she also knew from which mental disturbance her father's anxiety stemmed from.

"I'm not pregnant." She answered quickly before her father could accuse her of glowing. Her father instantly looked a lot happier.

"I didn't say-" he protested meekly but Lauren interrupted him.

"You were thinking it." She gave him a serious look to let him know not to entertain such thoughts again. Mary stepped forward and offered Lauren a drink which she quickly sipped at to reassure her father further. The alcohol burnt her throat but she was glad for it.

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