Heroes Will Rise

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The stench of decay filled Lauren's mouth and nostrils making her gag. The world span as she fell to the ground, her back colliding painfully with the prison's stone steps. Her head smacked against the stone and pain sliced through her skull. The creature gave an unearthly shriek and crushed her with its weight, straddling her chest. The clammy flesh smothered her body and Lauren thrashed uselessly against the iron grip that restrained her flailing arms easily.

Lauren screamed. The empty eye sockets leered down at her. Maggots wriggled in their harrowing depths and one lost its grip and fell through the air, landing on Lauren's cheek. The corpse opened its human jaws, but without the restriction of skin and muscle the opening was wider than humanly possible. Lauren's scream became blood curdling as it latched its teeth onto her throat and tore at her flesh.

A sudden gust of freezing cold air washed over Lauren and, choking for air, she quickly rolled into a corner. Back protected by the wall she peeked up, blinking through the blood that dripped down her face from the gash at her temple. A giant black wolf reared up on its hind legs, its gleaming claws slashed at the creature. Fluid and flesh splashed across the scene and Lauren quickly covered her face.


Aiden's sensitive hearing picked up the sound of multiple heavy feet pounding in their direction. Ryder and his men were bearing down upon them. He counted how many and hissed angrily after calculating the odds. They were outnumbered, badly.

"What is it?" Claudia asked weakly, her frightened gaze capturing his. Nausea bubbled up the vampire's throat. He ran his fingers through his shaggy blonde hair. 

"I'm sorry lass. There's been a change of plan." His accent was thicker than usual. Lightening stabbed the night sky and Claudia saw two glistening fangs protruding from his gums. Aiden weighed up his options quickly. If the men got close enough to the wolves they would be able to cripple their minds and paralyse their muscles, the wolves' wouldn't stand a chance of escape. He had to stop them from getting close enough but men were coming at them from all sides...  

In a heartbeat he was resolved. He didn't have a choice. The werewolf Lewis wouldn't get another chance at freedom after this and it was essential that he be freed from Ryder. He clutched Claudia's face in his hands. Under the intensity of his gaze Claudia felt her legs weaken and a sigh escaped her lips. "Dinna be afraid," he spoke softly. Claudia held still as his cool lips brushed against her neck.

Guilt gnawed at the fringe of his mind. This would be his worst crime, he realised grimly. Steeling himself, he felt her tense beneath him just before his teeth pierced her tender flesh.

Her blood was hot and sweet like honey, as it slid down his throat bright, beautiful colour burst behind his closed eyelids. Coherent thoughts slowly disappeared and instinct took over. The blood rushed to his groin. He groaned, feeling himself going instantly hard.  He removed his mouth from her neck and hastily tore at the fabric of her t-shirt exposing her chest to the cool night air. Her head rolled back and she lay limp like a rag doll, her eyes closed shut in peaceful sleep.

Biting his wrist hastily, aware of the feet still pounding in their direction, he thrust his wound into her mouth, allowing the blood to drip lazily down her throat. Whilst she chocked and spluttering against the gush he nestled his face against her chest and latched down upon her breast, a possessive snarl issuing between his teeth.


Lauren watched in horrified fascination as the wolf grabbled with the creature, tearing it to shreds. He tore an arm off and threw it against the wall. It landed only a couple of feet from Lauren. Her heartbeat thudded against her chest. Pulling itself along, the finger tips dragging the arm, it edged its way toward her. She tried to scream but no sound came out. Her throat was too dry and instead she tried to back away but she was already against the wall.

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