Eyes in the Shadows

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Wade was seeing stars until Lauren's looming head blocked them from view. "Wow that's some impressive bleeding." She commented, peering intently at his face as if he were a strange exhibit in a show. Muttering curses he sat up and repositioned himself with his back against the offensive lamp post. His backside hurt from the fall but it was his nose that was exploding with pain.

"Gee that's a relief! I'd hate to only be an amateur bleeder" he retorted snappishly. He looked down to see blood on his palms and now he could feel the trickles, slipping down his face and over his mouth. Lauren sat down opposite him, cross legged like when they were children. Even back then she had towered over him. She looked down at him now and grinned.

"Hey, just trying to give you a compliment here." Her tone was frank but her eyes sparkled with mirth. Wade fought against the urge to smile back. Instead he scowled and looked away from her bright eyes.

"I think I'd prefer a tissue." He commented dryly. Lauren chuckled and this time Wade failed and broke into a grin, he tried to hide it with his hands as he massaged his nose. Lauren peered at his bloody nose and her lip turned up a little in disgust.

"No tissues I'm afraid but the flow seems to be stemming a bit." Her voice was bright and breezy and Wade glared at her. 

"My face hurts like hell, thank you for your rather lax concern." Lauren feigned exaggerated guilt and repentance before giggling.

"I'll try to do better next time," she promised, nudging him playfully. She was right, the flow of blood had nearly come to stop but it still throbbed painfully. Wade tilted his head to the side and observed Lauren, her smile was bright and wide and she played with her hands impatiently on her lap.

"You haven't changed." He noted, his intelligent gaze sweeping over the dark shadows under her eyes, her slimmer than usual frame and grimly tried not to look at her chest. They're eyes caught and both grinned broadly, it was a look of old conspirators.

"Neither have you." Lauren stuck her tongue at him. A cold breeze whistled through and played with the tendrils of her hair. Lauren shivered as the earlier warmth that Wade created vanished. She felt a creeping sensation down her spine. It was the feeling of being watched.

"Look, about the wolf-" Wade began but Lauren quickly interrupted him.

"Stop," she peered into the gloom around them and listened to the hushed night air. They could still hear the party in full swing and in the distance the sound of cars on the duel carriage way was carried by the wind. Lauren looked back at Wade and tapped at her ear, signalling that somebody could hear them. Ryder had used magic to stop her lying to him, would he spy on her also? Lauren widened her gaze in warning before sitting up onto her knees and speaking louder than before. "Oh Wade! Please kiss me senseless you big boy!" She exclaimed, her gaze anxiously scanning the surroundings. Wade recoiled, his brows furrowed in confusion. Lauren leant forward and cupped his cheek.

"Steady on!" Wade protested, scrambling onto his feet. Lauren stood up too and pressed Wade up against the lamp post. His gaze wide and uncertain. Lauren clutched a fistful of his hair and she stepped forward so that their bodies ran against one another. 

"I need you, my body burns for you!" She murmured huskily into his ear. Wade shivered at the seductive purr of her voice. Trembling he tried to wriggle out of her grasp.

"Look I don't feel comfortable...I mean you're hot and all but-" He gabbled nervously. Lauren grabbed his arms and put them around her. His palms rested on her back and Lauren wrapped her arms around his neck. If Ryder was keeping an eye on her then she didn't doubt that he would step in now to stop them, she had already witnessed his irrational jealousy.

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