Lover's Sting

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When the sun begun its descent and the air had grown colder they had moved to the backseat of the car. Lauren woke up alone, she was coated in a film of sweat and her skin stuck to the leather as she wriggled on the seat. The car windows were misted up and Lauren had to rub at them to see out. She caught sight of Ryder standing only a couple of feet from the car, fully dressed.

She opened the car door and stepped into the night. It was like her body had been running a high fever and the soft breeze felt icy. She ached from Ryder's vigorous onslaught but it was a pleasant ache, a satisfied ache. Ryder turned and grinned on seeing her. His grin vanished as his gaze lingered on her bare chest.

"Get dressed, lover. It could cause a scene if you turned up at your parent's house naked, not least because I'll be forced to blind every male in the vicinity." His words were playful but his look was hungry. Lauren held her head high and marched purposefully to the hood of the car.

Her bra was a little torn but workable. The dress had been thrown a distance from the car and she was shivering by the time she reached it. She pulled it quickly over her head and attempted to flatten down some of the creases.    

"Where are my panties?" She looked around but couldn't see them. Ryder's movement caught her eye and she sighed on seeing the flimsy, scarlet lace hanging from the tip of his index finger. "Can I have them back please?"  Ryder chuckled and stuffed the lace into his back pocket. "Hey, give them back to me!" She marched up to him and tried to grab the lace but Ryder easily caught her wrists.

"No can do, they just get in my way." Ryder's voice was husky and he let go of one wrist. Lauren closed his eyes as his hand travelled past the hem of her dress. She opened her legs wider for him and Ryder entered her with one long finger and stroked her teasingly. Chuckling, he abruptly removed his hand and turned away from her, returning to the spot she had found him in. Lauren frowned unhappily.

"It better not be breezy in England, or I'll be the one blinding you!" She threatened, crossing her arms over her chest sulkily.

"Get back in the car and fasten your seat belt." Ryder commanded his voice light and amused. Lauren noticed for the first time what he was doing. The car was in the centre of a large circle made up from a mixture of herbs and powders.

"What about you?" She asked whilst her gaze was riveted on the powder. She wondered why the strong wind wasn't disturbing the perfect curve.

"I'm just finishing up here." Ryder replied, looking up into the sky. Lauren looked up with him. It was a cloudless night, millions of stars littered the darkness .Tonight was a new moon. Uneasy, she returned to the car, this time sitting in the passenger seat.

A couple of minutes later she saw Ryder heading over. He clambered into the sports car and fastened his seat belt. She watched with intense curiosity as his hands tightly gripped the steering wheel, his knuckles turning white. He closed his eyes with a serene expression on his handsome face.

A sudden wall of flame erupted in front of them. Lauren screamed in alarm. Her wide eyes followed the flames and saw that they extended from the trail of powder that Ryder had laid. She sat forward in her seat to look up. The flames towered twenty feet above them and a column of black smoke spiralled to the heavens, blocking out the stars. She could feel the searing heat through the car window.

"Oh. My. God," she whispered breathlessly, holding up her hand to shield her eyes from the fiery glare.

"Seatbelt," Ryder ordered sharply. Quickly Lauren obeyed. The snap of the seatbelt made her jump.

"Good." Her vivid green eyes slid over to his and saw that his were bright with excitement. The ground seemed to lurch beneath them and Lauren cried out in fear, tightly gripping her seat. The car seemed to fall backwards and downwards, the heat intensified and Lauren managed one coherent thought, they were entering hell.

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