Drawing Nearer

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A/N: Thank you to ActLikeAFool for all of your comments =)

Wade had returned home, promising to delete the footage, his face still drained of any colour. Lauren had quickly checked herself in her small make-up mirror, removing the minor traces of blood from Wade's kiss. Her stomach fluttered as her finger tips brushed against her lips.

The fireworks had come to an end and she sidled back into the marquee as one of a crowd. She had just gone through the wide entrance when she felt a large pair of hands snake around her waist from behind. Ryder pulled her away from the throng and held her tight to his chest. She deeply breathed in his manly scent and leant her head against his shoulder. Ryder's lips moved to her ear so that she could hear him in the crowd.

"What have you been up to?" He purred softly, stroking her hips through the thin material of her dress. Lauren turned her face slightly so that she could read Ryder's expression.

"Where's Ollie?" She asked sternly. She felt Ryder shrug his shoulders carelessly.

"He decided to skip the rest of the party." Lauren didn't trust Ryder's smooth tone. Her glare promised Ryder that he was teetering dangerously close to a world full of pain. Ryder sighed. "He's safe, I didn't harm him. I promise. You'll see him back at the house." He reassured, softly kissing her neck. Lauren pulled away and turned in his arms to face him.

"Are you going to tell me what you're chat was about?" She demanded, crossing her arms to create a barrier between them.

"No," he replied firmly, fixing her with a hard, dark stare. Lauren's irritation flared. She cast her gaze quickly about to make sure that nobody was listening in.  

"You tell me that my brother isn't what I think he is, that I shouldn't trust him but then you won't give me any reasons to believe you." She struggled to keep her voice low and had to clench her fists in an effort to remain outwardly calm. Ryder titled his head to one side and scrutinized her delicately.

"You didn't stop me walking off with him, even though you know what I am. That tells me that you have picked up on one crucial point about your brother." He mused softly lowering his head to her height. "He's not worth protecting." Lauren frowned unhappily, shaking her head.

"He's secretive but so are you. And he's still my brother." She argued. Ryder pulled back, his expression an unreadable mask. 

"I won't break apart siblings. Run home and see him if you want to." He offered and he tilted his head in the direction of the exit. Lauren hesitated, puzzled by his words. She dropped her arms to her sides.

"Did you used to have siblings?" She asked curiously. Ryder's dark gaze tightened and he looked hard at the space above her head.

"A sister and I'll carry her with me always."  He answered roughly. He shifted his right foot uneasily, his mind on the tattoo that adorned his heel. It permanently marked his skin but was hidden from the world. His little sister had been his hidden Achilles heel and his enemies had used her against him. Now the daisy served as a constant reminder, to avoid such weakness ever again.

He looked down and caught Lauren's troubled expression and the sympathy behind her bright eyes. An emotion he couldn't name stirred within him. "Can I have this dance?" He asked formally. 

"You may." Lauren accepted, taking his hand and allowing him to lead her onto the dance floor. The band was playing a lively song and Ryder smoothly placed one hand on Lauren's waist and the other in her hand. Lauren laughed at the novelty as Ryder spun her around, his steps light and confident. When Lauren spun back into his hold she came against his chest and electricity seemed to crackle in the air between them.   

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