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Lauren smelt like peaches and spice and Ryder's mouth left hers to begin sucking and nipping at her tender throat. She tilted her head back to offer him her exposed throat whilst she stared unseeingly at the bland coloured far wall. Her eyes swam with tears as she thought about her family, all sitting ducks completely oblivious to the danger they were in. The danger she had put them in when she angered Ryder with her ill thought out plans. The tears spilt from her eye lashes and fell softly down her cheeks.

Ryder stopped his trail of kisses and rested his forehead against the base of her throat. One hand moved up to run through the silky waves of her hair as the other clutched her tightly to him. 

"Moan for me," his voice was deep and husky, "I want you to cry out my name." Lauren remained a statue in his grasp so he pulled away slightly to look into her eyes. Hastily she brushed aside her tears but not before Ryder had seen them. He frowned causing Lauren to shudder and feel sick. Moving with deliberate slowness he lowered his head and feathered gentle kisses on her cheeks and closed eyelids. 

Lauren's breath caught and her mind whirled with confusion from a strong assault of conflicting and powerful emotions. She didn't understand what Ryder was up to, why he was acting comforting and gentle all of a sudden. She examined his handsome face. His expression looked pained, his chiselled jaw was clenched tightly and his eyes blazed whilst he too, barely dared to breathe. He caressed her smooth jawline sensuously. "You want me too. I need to make you see that." His tone sounded desperate and pleading.

The larger, more vocal part of Lauren wanted to break his jaw to prove him wrong but she reined that part of herself in. Nobody innocent would be hurt as a result of her actions, she decided resolutely.

Ryder's hands moved in a flash. Her dress was ripped at the seams and thrown across the room. Lauren squeaked with surprise but didn't have the time to react further. "Get on the bed," Ryder instructed, it was a voice that was not to be disobeyed and Lauren found herself submitting automatically. Her heart thudded in her chest as she tried to process what was about to happen and how she was going to deal with it.

Ryder clambered onto the bed and hovered above her. His jeans were still on and hung low on his hips, revealing a perfect 'V'. Lauren lay back and looked up at the ceiling as she tried to imagine she was somewhere else. She wanted to find a region in her mind where she could crawl in and escape until it was over. Ryder's actions though were becoming harder to ignore.

He kissed hungrily down from her breasts, across her stomach and down her legs. Now he was making the journey back up but this time via her inner thigh. Lauren's breath hitched up a notch. Whilst his mouth sucked and kissed her thigh, his long fingers pushed aside her panties to play. Lauren gasped and closed her eyes.

When his tongue replaced his fingers she let out a little moan of pleasure. Ryder's tongue lapped at her expertly, teasing and pleasuring to equal measure. When she finally cried out at her release she had to keep a tight grip on the bed sheets at all the sensations that rocked through her. Ryder licked her clean whilst she caught her breath.

Once he was done, she opened her eyes and stared back up at the ceiling, sudden shame flooding through her. "I want you to cry out my name," he purred causing Lauren to shiver but not through fear this time. Ryder's tongue returned and this time went even deeper. Lauren found herself grabbing fistfuls of his hair to keep him in place. His tongue and fingers drove her wild, her mind was blank except for need for him to never stop and she couldn't remember where she was or even her own name. She certainly couldn't remember what name she was supposed to call out.

Ryder didn't stop, his attack was relentless and every time she came down from a high the shame grew worse. Stubbornness forbade her calling out his name even then because it wasn't his name that she wanted on her lips.

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