A Little Twisted

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The rain was drizzling down when Ryder re-emerged from the jail. He titled his handsome face up to the heavens. Droplets splattered on his high cheeks and straight nose and trickled down his close shaven neck. The air smelt fresh and Ryder stood for some time, allowing the rain to wash away the sweat and grime that lingered on his hands and face from that foul place. Not that there was any point. He could still feel it, all the time it clung to him like a stench. Always' under his skin he felt the filth of such tortures, dark places and dark deeds. Always the memories wriggled beneath his closed eyelids.

"Ryder?" He started and lowered his gaze to look ahead. A wide grin broke out across his handsome face.

"Mason, my good man what can I do for you?" He clapped the man on the shoulder heartily. They walked in step as they headed for the dead Alpha's mansion.

"It's what I can do for you. I've got nothing to complain of since you became my friend." The older man spoke sincerely.

"How are Harriet and the baby?" Ryder asked. Splash water from a puddle soaked through Mason's shoe as they walked, creeping up on his socks and toes. Mason's smile was warm and crow's feet edged his watery eyes.

"They're doing marvellously. The little nipper takes after his beautiful mum thank goodness." Mason's gaze became distant as his mind travelled already back to them. Ryder's smile widened. "He crosses his ankles, all the time no matter if he's asleep in his cot or in your arms." They rounded the corner and the old pack house was in sight, flocks off hooded figures were already herding in.  

"I'd like to come and give the lad a cuddle if I might. Is Harriet up for visitors just yet?" Ryder thought ahead to his schedule. He could go just before evening meal that would give him enough time to do the congratulations card.

"We'd be happy to see you. In fact it's on account of them that I looked you out. Harriet and I would love it if you would consent to be the lads Godfather and his namesake." They had reached the pack house now and the two men stopped before going in. Ryder was blushing slightly in surprise.

"I think the lad should be named for his courageous father. Mason makes a much better name than mine. But as to being his Godfather..." Ryder hesitated, teasing his friend. He grinned wider than ever flashing his perfect teeth. "I'd be honoured."

The two men hugged each other. Ryder wondered if his friend could feel it when they stood this close, could he sense the contamination that clung to his skin. If he did he didn't act like it.

Lunch was jacket potato with a choice of fillings. Ryder sat at one of the long tables and chatted and laughed with his friends. The main topic of conversation was Mason's new baby. The men teased him that he was 'in for it' now, nothing but diapers and dummies from here on out but every one of them crowded to see the picture Mason carried of the little mite fast asleep. Ryder sighed heavily when he had to be the first to get up but time wasn't on his side. He had a phone call with England soon and he had overrun in his training in the prison cell. It had been hard to pull himself away though.

As Ryder walked briskly through the still drizzling rain he wished that he could go back. Maybe he would tonight. Clean as he might the stench always embraced him, it was engrained in his skin and part of his very soul. Lewis locked away vulnerable but stubborn was just too delicious to resist. The man had such spirit, such courage and such a high sense of honour. Breaking him made for great sport. It was a challenge and Ryder hadn't faced a challenge in a long time. He tried to think back to Mason's time. Mason had been a strong one too, holding in the screams to the point of nearly biting off his tongue as Ryder ran his hands all over his naked flesh. But he hadn't been nearly so arrogant or pig headed as Lewis. It would take a long time to train Lewis that was obvious. But Ryder didn't doubt that he would succeed eventually.   

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