Predator and Prey

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Mary jolted up from her sewing machine as the doorbell screamed. Brows furrowed she headed into the hallway getting steadily crosser as whoever the caller was kept their finger on the bell, allowing the high pitch shriek to thrash against the inside of her skull.

"MUM LET ME IN!" She recognised her daughter's voice and bristled further. Lauren was always such a drama queen, always crying and screaming her head off in public just to embarrass her family. Mary despaired at where she had gone wrong, her son had turned out so well so it couldn't be their fault. Red faced she pulled open the door, filling the door way as a pillar of trembling rage.

"What do you think-" she was cut off by Lauren barging past her. Mary hissed in pain as her back collided with a picture frame. She watched as Lauren raced passed her heading for the basement. "Lauren!" Slamming the front door shut, she ran after her daughter screaming curses at the top of her lungs.

"Lauren?" Oliver appeared beside his mother. His blonde hair was dishevelled and darkened from a shower and he wore only a towel that was draped low on his hips revealing a sculpted torso and narrow waist. The pair paused on the stairs as Lauren headed directly for the workshop table that was laden down with car parts, wires and spattering's of oil.

"Young lady you-!"

"SHUT UP!" Lauren spun on the spot to face them. Her expression was contorted into rage and drained paper white. "I won't wait for you to trust me any longer," tears glistened in her vivid green eyes.


"I KNOW MOTHER!" The tears fell fast, "I know that you're a vampire hunter!" Christian walked slowly down the basement steps, his eyes meeting Lauren's and his expression unreadable. "I know about the vampire's hidden in the crypt. I know about werewolves. I know about your secret society. Okay?" Mary gaped in shock, her hand at her throat in dismay whilst Oliver and Christian both stoically watched her.

Clenching her jaw she turned and purposefully pressed the button hidden underneath the workshop table. The table pulled back into the wall that had once been a panelled shelving of equipment.  In its place rose up a sterile table more normally found in an operating theatre. All along the walls the tables and shelving shifted replacing the ordinary with the extraordinary. Rifles, knives, maces, spikes, spears, grenades, revolvers all that an army would need was here.

Quickly Lauren made her selections. A garage was a dangerous place for explosives so she selected bullets specifically designed to imbed within a victim, causing the most internal damage, rather than risking one's that might go through the body. Oliver was by her side in an instant and pulled on her arm, forcing her to face him.

"Lauren what's going on?" He demanded his bright eyes wide and uncertain. Lauren shook her head in disbelief. Roughly she pushed him aside and picked up a knife which she secured to her leg, hidden out of view. "Lauren?!" She snapped her head up and glared at him.

"You're big friends, are coming after me again." She hissed but even so her parents caught her words. Oliver's breath froze in his chest. She elbowed past him as she headed back for the stairs.

"Let me help you," he pleaded reaching out for her once more. Lauren brushed him aside.

"You chose you're side, now I'm choosing mine." Oliver gasped as Lauren's eye's appeared to glow brilliantly, flashing under the artificial light, "and I choose Ryder."

Lauren's path up the stairs was blocked, first by Mary. Mary stared down at her daughter, chin trembling and gentle hand outstretched. Lauren slapped her hand aside. "It's too late," she spat. Mary moved aside which left only Christian guarding the top stair.

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