She Feeds on Death

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As Lauren's feet raced down the stone steps that had been worn partially away over the years she put her hands against the wall, allowing her palms to skim across the decay and moss, in the hope of catching herself if she fell. At the base of the stairs she encountered a heavy iron door, blindly she felt across the cold steel before encountering a handle and bolt. The bolt was heavy and she had to put all her strength behind it, her muscles trembling with the effort.

When the door finally swung inwards, she fell against it panting for breath, sore from the effort. The overpowering stench of corruption and faeces made her gag and she covered her nose and mouth quickly, her eyes watering against the reeks onslaught.  At first she though the prison was also in complete darkness but gradually her eyes adjusted to the light from one weak light bulb.

She distinguished the contours of the room, realising that it was a large circular chamber with earthen floor and walls. A large shape hung from the centre of the prison, completely motionless. Lauren approached it cautiously reaching out with one trembling hand to touch it but before her fingertips could graze the surface she recoiled back in disgust.

Bile rose to her throat and she scrambled back. The rotting corpse was in pieces now, thick white fluid tripped down, bursting through the rotting flesh that wriggled constantly with teaming maggot. The droppings of flesh and tissue littered the floor beneath the unrecognisable corpse. Lauren bent over and heaved on the floor, her stomach hadn't been full and the effort was painful and gave little relief. Standing back up her spine collided with an iron bar.

She was able to see more clearly now and Lauren revolved slowly on the spot, staring incredulously about her. Blank gazes stared back at her, all kneeling in the centre of their individual cells. The hairs stood up on the back of her neck at the eerie silence of her audience.

"Lewis?" She whispered through the hush, she peered carefully at the occupants but all of them were so filthy that it was impossible to ascertain age or gender. "I've come to free you," she meant to sound reassuring but her tone took on a pleading note. "You'll all be able to return to your families and loved ones." She persisted.

"No," a hoarse voice replied. Lauren turned to the werewolf in question. She didn't recognise him at all and she guessed that he was one of Lewis' missing warrior wolves. "We obey Ryder, our master." He replied in a sullen tone that brooked no argument.

"But I'm saving you!" She argued hotly, forgetting for a moment the need to be quiet. All the prisoners shook their heads sadly at her.

"Ryder saved us," the werewolf answered coldly. Lauren could feel sweat collecting on her body and the precious minutes she had slipping by.

"My name is Lauren Fox, mate to Alpha Lewis." Her voice rang clearly in the chamber. "As your Luna I command you to tell me where your Alpha is!" She ordered quickly. There was a long silence. Fear coursed through her and she could feel a tightening around her chest as the air suddenly left her. She slowly looked back at the rotting corpse and a broken sob tore through her. 

"They took him through that door." Lauren started and followed the man's gesture seeing the heavy door at the far end for the first time. Relief flooded her system. It's okay, Lewis isn't dead. There's still a chance. She reassured herself firmly as she rushed to the door.

The key she had stolen from Ryder fitted in the lock perfectly. 

The door opened on to a narrow corridor, running down it she threw herself against the far door struggling against it before she thought to try heaving across the iron bolt before pulling on the handle. She heard the sound of footfalls shuffling against the floor before she had the heavy door fully open. Her mouth fell wide open and tears gleamed in her emerald eyes.

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