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Two days ago...

Wade heard the roar of the motorbike engine before he could see it. Instantly he bounded from his chair and sprinted out the front door. The winter chill nipped at his ears and nose and he hugged his elbows as he waited for Lauren to dismount and pull off her helmet. She lazily shook her hair out and Wade admired how long it was, noticing how the tips were lighter and curled slightly. Lauren's smile faltered once she registered Wade's expression.

"I've done it." He whispered quickly. She didn't need to ask what he was on about. She'd been waiting for this. Wade had discovered the location of Project Blue. Lauren pulled him into a quick hug her lips finding his ear.

"Say nothing," she breathed. Wade gave her a hard look before disappearing back into the safe house. Lauren hesitated before joining him. She looked back at the motorbike her eyes automatically drifting to the amber wolf eyes on the seat. But this time it wasn't the wolf that she saw, instead she could see Wade. Wade was in her place in the prison, dangling in chains. The monster in that prison had fed on death and it had been Ryder's monster.

Her heart ached and tears sprang in her eyes but she couldn't shy away from these thoughts any longer. Ryder couldn't trust, instead he had to break people and force loyalty. If Wade stayed here much longer then Ryder would try to break him and if Wade left, the men her brother worked for would kill him. "I don't have the stomach for this." She muttered under her breath, tears spilling from her lashes.

Present day...

"You're helping them!" Wade exploded incredulously. "After everything you've told me they've done?" His eyes kept darting back to Ryder, slumped in the chair. "They're evil!" Outwardly Lauren remained calm.

"I know-"

"THEN WHY!?" She didn't flinch when Wade shouted but he did. He saw her eyes glow even more vibrant, closer to pure, blinding white now instead green. Cautiously he took a step back.

"We needed to escape and we couldn't with them after us. So I made a deal." Wade's glare was laced with disgust. "I wouldn't tell them who the werewolf keeper was and there was only one other thing they wanted." For the first time she let her gaze wonder over to Ryder. Wade frowned.

"You care about him."

Lauren's shocking eyes faded and dulled down to an unnatural emerald. "Yes," she replied sadly, "the bastard made me care for him."

"Are you sure you can do this?"

Setting her jaw determinedly, she stared ahead at the cameras. Watching men in black overwhelm Robin in the alleyway. "I always said that I would destroy him. I won't let him destroy me."

Wade stood back, speechless. Suddenly Lauren kicked at the chair leg, over toppling it and sending Ryder sprawling on the floor face down. Grabbing the chair firmly, Lauren bellowed in rage as she smashed it against the cameras. Wade cried out and covered his face as broken shards flew through the air. Slowly her cries of fury morphed into weeping and then silence.

"Lauren?" Wade called tentatively, his voice small and lost. Lauren ignored him, pulling the phone from her pocket. "What are you doing?"

"Sending Thorn a message," Wade's frown deepened. "Thorn's one of Ryder's minions and a friend of mine."

"What are you sending him?"

"The location of Project Blue," Lauren hit the send button and sighed in relief. Wade's eyes shone with understanding.

"His men will save him." Wade stated, gesturing to Ryder.

"Yes," Lauren headed out of the shed, tugging on Wade's arm as she marched briskly down the garden path. 

"You've given up your revenge?" They reached the motorbike. Lauren handed Wade the helmet.

"I've had it, I don't need anymore." She explained quickly checking her pockets insuring that her weapons were within easy reach. "I hated Ryder with everything I had for killing Lewis but now...too much has happened." Satisfied she clambered onto the bike and Wade got on behind her, wrapping his arms securely around her waist. "But soon it will all be over. Money should be in our accounts, the unit think we've sold out and we leave the country and Europe before they realise that I tricked them. Simple." She revved the engine and they hurtled off.

But as they raced down the winding roads, the forest looming around them, Lauren fought an internal battle. What if Ryder's men couldn't save him? She worried, images playing in her head. The unit would lock him up again, torture him, break him and undo anything good that lingered. An icy grip seized her chest. Ryder was dangerous and these men knew it, what if they just killed him? The motorbike slowed beneath her. If they killed Ryder then she would be responsible. She'd have his blood on her hands as well as Lewis'.

Wade's grip suddenly tightened on her waist.

"Lauren!" He yelled over the roar of the wind. The breaks screeched and the bike skidded across the road before stopping. They turned their heads to look back at the road. Lauren's eyes flashed dangerously and she reached into her jacket, reassuring herself as her fingers closed around the cold, hard metal of her gun. Wade's hands trembled as they held her. The wind was against them, muffling but not completely stifling the sound of screaming. As they held their breath they could hear the tangible cries more clearly, deep shouts, shrill shrieks and desperate wails all morphing into one terrible tower of destructive noise that seemed about to break over them.

Lauren tried to remember her brother's exact words, 'she will be responsible for the greatest massacre the world has ever seen...'

The End

The story continues with 'Fear Me, Love Me'. Check it out, it is now complete! 

A/N: Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed and please comment and tell me your thoughts because I love to read them! =)

Fear Me, Love Me

Lauren is bought at a demon slave auction by Ryder – a man she once betrayed. With her in his possession once more Ryder has a chance for some sweet revenge. But first he needs to keep her safe because he's not the only enemy Lauren's made and their closing in on her...    

Your support means so much to me so really big thank you to everyone who has read my work, voted, commented or followed me. It means the world to me =)

Yours gratefully


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