Possessive Lover

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Finally they collapsed together on the bed. Lauren was coated in a thin film of sweat and sorely wanted to shower. She pouted at Ryder and rattled the handcuffs that secured her to the bed. Ryder rested his head on her stomach. "I like you like this, love." Lauren scowled. He stroked her arms. "I like knowing you're safe and not causing me trouble."

He kissed her softly on the nose. It was an affectionate gesture that contrasted hugely with his ferocious love making. He moved down and kissed her stomach before blowing a raspberry on the soft flesh, causing her to burst into a fit of giggles.

She whined playfully, pulling against the handcuffs. Ryder stopped and made hushing noises, caressing her face before kissing the red marks on her wrists where the cuffs had cut into the angry flesh. He frowned at them. "I'm sorry for hurting you."

"Don't be, I enjoyed every minute of it." She grinned wickedly. Ryder captured her lips and lost himself in the taste of her. The sex had been incredible. Lauren had never been so responsive or vocal. He had come undone when she screamed his name, throwing her head back with an expression of wild abandonment.

Now though he didn't want her to scream, he wanted to hear her laugh again. Lauren squealed when Ryder's devilish fingers attacked her sides with tickles. Tears streamed down her face she laughed harder then she had in months. Ryder's deep chuckle resounded with her own.


At dinner Ryder insisted that she sit on his lap and halfway through the meal she felt the effect having her so close had on him. She stifled a mischievous grin. Wade had more questions for her but, when he started to verge on the topic of Ryder's powers, Robin gave him a look that swiftly silenced him.

Ryder didn't pay them any attention and equally ignored his food. His eyes were for Lauren only, watching her bite down on her food and savour the taste. He couldn't stop looking at her, loving the flush in her cheeks and the rise and fall of her chest. She was his life now. But he wasn't her soul-mate.

His thoughts snarled around the memory of Lewis, her worthless true love. He cringed when he thought about them being lovers. But he couldn't ask Lauren about it, he feared what she would tell him. Sometimes ignorance is bliss. Unconsciously his hand hovered over his tattoo of an apple.

He had killed Donna out of kindness and compassion, living life rejected by her mate would have been unbearable. He had known that he could not accept her heart and soul nor give her his, and so he spared her the certain life of pain and misery by killing her whilst he had the strength to do so. Perhaps one day Lauren would be the one to grant this kindness to him. He imagined her now, plunging a steel blade into his heart, at least her face would be the last he saw.

Lauren wriggled, stiffening his erection. He would never endure watching her reject him, he would be her one and only lover or he would be her last. Lifting her up and ignoring her protests he carried her out of the kitchen and down the hall, kicking open the bedroom door before throwing her onto the bed.

"I hadn't finished eating," she protested. Ryder unbuckled his belt and released his throbbing manhood.

"You can finish it after," he replied gruffly. Lauren's eyes widened.

"I can't go again so soon, I'm still sore from the last pounding." Ryder stripped the rest of his clothes so that he stood nude before her, a perfectly sculpted Adonis.

"Then you shouldn't have teased me." His gaze was merciless. He moved to clamber on the bed but Lauren reacted quickly, getting to her knees.

"Perhaps, something else instead," she suggested, arching her brow at him.  Ryder nodded.

As he thrust into her mouth his mind relaxed, the fears and tensions slipping away as she took care of him. He loved the feel of her hot mouth around him and the sounds she made at the taste of him. He gripped her hair as he fought to control his thrusts but then she picked up the pace for him, sending him over the edge. He growled as he came into her mouth.

Lauren licked him clean before pulling away.

"Can I eat now?" Ryder chuckled and nodded. "You owe me," she added, giving him a pointed look. He nodded again, looking forward to returning the favour. He silently watched her leave him.

She would leave him for good eventually, once she'd had her fill of fear and pain, unless he made her his. He could give her his powers, ensure her loyalty and love for always if he trained her. His heart trembled at the thought of using his fingers not for pleasure but for pain. Could he torture her? Could he endure her screams and cries for help?

He looked down at the rumpled sheets. If it meant making her his than yes, he would do it and soon.


"What about your parents and my mum?" Wade questioned, watching Lauren finish her potatoes.

"I'm not ready to deal with mine."

"You should at least tell them that you're okay." Wade argued.

"Wait till tomorrow." Robin advised, "you're parents are being watched in case you try to contact them." Lauren nodded, unsurprised and content to delay the family confrontation.  

"Are they safe?" Wade asked in alarm.

"Don't worry. I'll keep an eye on your families, nothing bad will happen to them." Robin reassured. Wade felt sick, unable to look Robin in the eye.

"Thanks Robin, for everything. Dinner was delicious." Lauren smiled warmly at him, noting that Ryder had a type of man that he chose to associate with. They were all large and intimidating but they also said very little and had an air of mystery. Perhaps Ryder saw a little of himself in each of them and that's why he chose them or perhaps the magic did that to them.

"You're welcome Miss Fox."

"Please call me Lauren." Robin nodded but knew that he never would. She was Miss Fox, Ryder's lady.


That night Lauren lay in bed with Ryder's arm wrapped tightly around her as he held her against his chest.

"I'm going to contact my parents tomorrow." She told him, delicately tracing patterns on his heavy arms.

"That's a good idea. You should talk to your father."

"I don't really want to. They've lied to me my whole life. I can't keep ignoring that."

"Sometimes we have to lie to those we love. Speak with them, forgive them and learn who and what you really are." Lauren paused in her gentle caress.

"What did you and my father talk about this morning?"

"He told me to keep you safe." He kissed her neck.

"What did you say?"

"I told him," Ryder grinned mischievously, "that he should be protecting me from your sexual demands instead!"

"My sexual demands?!" She exclaimed, batting his hands away and proceeding to attack him whilst Ryder laughed raucously, powerless against her.

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