Emerald Flames

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Wade eyed the myriad of weapons covetously, his greedy gaze lingering on a shiny grenade.


"No," Lauren smiled at him, "nothing so precious."

"You use these to hunt vampires?" Lauren shrugged then shook her head.

"A vampire can't die but... one substance gives them strength and one element weakens them. To take a vampire down you take away one and introduce the other." Wade frowned. "Blood and sunlight," she drew a small stake from her pocket, it was slight and thin but with sharpened point making it perfect for a surprise attack at close proximity. She gave it to Wade to examine more closely. His fingers traced the strange texture of the wood, "salt."  

"But vampires are the living dead, surely salt preserves them," interjected Ryder.

"It's used in the process of mummification, drying the body up and stripping it. Agony for a vampire as their skin turns to sandpaper. You capture a vampire by ransacking his lair during sunlight, salt and tar will contain the remains and trap the creature in eternal hell, unable to feed ever again." Wade shivered, disliking the hardness to her words. Ryder took the stake from Wade and pocketed it silently.

"Teach me how to use them." Wade pleaded.

"I've no idea how to use them. Besides have you forgotten archery lessons at camp?" Ryder gave Wade a questioning look. Wade looked sheepish.

"I killed a duck," he admitted guiltily.

"Isn't that the point?"

Lauren replied for him.

"Not when the pond is behind you in the opposite direction from the target it isn't." Ryder quickly took the revolver out of Wade's reach. Wade scowled.

"I want to help," he complained.

"You can," she turned to Ryder, "Wade's a wizard at research and computer programming and hacking and stuff."


"Yes, I got into trouble with military defence when I was thirteen." Wade rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment. Ryder's gaze was calculating. He clapped Wade on the shoulder.

"Wade you might be able to help after all." Wade eyed him suspiciously. "I need help locating a secure government base, it's called Project Blue." Wade's brow deepened but a spark ignited in his deep, brown eyes.

"You got a laptop?"  


The night air was close and uncomfortable. Lauren looked up at the sky and found herself instinctively sniffing the air. A storm was brewing. She placed Robin's helmet on the seat of his sleek motorbike and headed toward the windmills entrance. The windmill had been abandoned for years and grime and weeds had crept up its walls. The door was worn and splintered with a heavy rusted knocker that rapped in the wind.

She heard movement behind her and quickly spun around, her heart leapt in her chest and she clutched at her throat in surprise.

"Hello Lauren." Christian greeted, smiling fondly at her. He stood calmly legs firmly planted, back straight, gaze steady his long trench coat flapping in the wind like her own.

"How did you-?" Lauren spluttered her eyes searching the area. She hadn't heard him approach and she couldn't see a vehicle in sight but the windmill was in the middle of nowhere much too far to walk. Christian tapped his foot against the earth and Lauren heard it, the slight rattle of metal.

"There's a set of underground tunnels, they go all over the village, some even directly into the older cottages." Lauren watched him warily as he began to circle her. "The early members of the Foxglove Society created them. To protect their loved ones and now, many generations later, we continue to use them for that purpose." Lauren's dark green gaze flashed with curiosity.

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