The Sunday Roast Edit

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I slept surprisingly well last night and feel quite refreshed this morning. Anne suggested that I collect my phone anytime around 11am and as it is already 10am I get up and out from under the warm duvet to grab a quick shower and get dressed throwing on a floral babydol dress, thick black tights and cream chunky knit long-line cardigan.  There's no time to straighten my hair so I leave it loose across my shoulders.  Pulling on my black Chelsea boots, I'm ready to go.

After the short drive from my house to the other side of Holmes Chapel, I arrive at Anne's home. Anne and Robin's house is gorgeous. They moved out of the centre of Holmes Chapel a couple of years ago. The old house, a semi detached on an estate of similar properties, was Harry and his sister Gemma's childhood home. However, after Harry joined his band whenever he visited it became increasingly problematic with fans standing outside the house and up and down the road. The neighbours got a bit fed up with it.

The new house is on the outskirts of the town and set behind electric gates making it private from prying eyes. Although it is a new build, it has an old world charm about it, all red bricks and slate roof on the outside and stone floors and wooden beams on the inside. The decoration is modern chic, all wood and leather, creams and reds, checks and florals that mix together perfectly. It also has an amazing secluded garden that backs onto fields and keeps Anne more than occupied. 

I sound the bell and immediately Robin opens the door with drill in his hand and greets me. Robin, Anne's husband and stepdad to Harry and Gemma, is a rotund man with a kind face and big red-cheeked smile. He is always exceptionally kind to me whenever I visit.

"Hi Robin, how are you?" I can't help but return his happy greeting.

"Morning Tasha, yes very well thanks, it's nice to see you."

"Thank you, I just popped over to collect my phone that I left yesterday. Are you doing a spot if DIY?" surprise is in my voice as I know it's not his favourite pastime.

"Well yes, you know, trying with the DIY but not getting very far, very fast! Please go through, everyone is in the kitchen," he gestures warmly.

I step inside the large hallway feeling the familiar welcome the house generates. Although only Anne and Robin live here it has a loving family feel about it. The double glass kitchen doors are immediately at the end of the hallway and when I reach them I peer in to take in the scene.

Anne is busy preparing vegetables at the sink, whilst Harry and Gemma are sat on stools at the kitchen island. They are animatedly chatting, steaming mugs in hand and the reams of Sunday newspapers are strewn across the surface of the island.  I gently click one door handle and push it open.

Harry is the first one to look up from the newspaper he has open in front of him. He just stares right at me brows creasing slightly until a broad friendly smile spreads right across his face. I feel self-conscious feeling my cheeks redden and glance downwards as Gemma pipes up, "Well don't just leave the poor girl standing there Harry, get her a stool to sit on and make her a drink!"

Gemma's words seem to bring Harry out of whatever world he's in and back to planet earth as I raise my hands up in protest.

"Morning everyone, it's ok thanks but I'm not staying, I've only come round to collect my phone I left here yesterday."

"Oh yes, morning Tasha, it's just there on the first shelf," indicates Anne pointing to the large oak kitchen dresser.

"Oh stay for a coffee at least," Gemma offers kindly.

"Yes of course Tasha, you are more than welcome," Anne chips in.

Harry who has been watching in silence at us women interact suddenly stands up from his stool which scrapes loudly across the stone floor, "Yes for coffee and for lunch too if you'd like."

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