Love Letter Two

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Friday, 9th January 2014

Dane Valley Way, Holmes Chapel, Cheshire, England

My Darling Natasha,

My first night back at Mum's I didn't sleep well as I was still winding down after a busy Christmas and New Year schedule. Also, I couldn't get your eyes out of my mind. It wasn't a bad thing though as I decided to take my camera out into the early morning to get some shots of the sunrise whilst the day was still quiet.

As I turned the corner of the track to head alongside the farmer's field there you were in your running gear, stretching whilst lent on the farmers gate.

I stood still for just a little while observing you. You were all sweaty from your run but still looked lovely as the morning sunrise lit up your face. I was pulled towards you immediately again and I found myself smiling which isn't something I'd done much of late.

I made my presence known and we chatted but you seemed uptight and edgy. However, you took an interest in my camera and photos and asked what I was doing at the weekend. You took an interest in me as an individual and I liked it, it felt so different from normal.

When you asked to see my photos I was amazed as no one has really taken an interest in them before. As I scrolled through them your expression was one of surprise and you'd clearly noticed that all of them were black and white. I felt the need to explain and in nervousness at being so close to you my mouth ran away with me and I said too much about seeing the world in black and white.

I worried I offended you, you must have thought me so ungrateful, so arrogant, after everything I have. Bearing my inner thoughts to a relative stranger is not something I have done before. I shocked myself to be honest. But, you simply washed my negativity away by complimenting me about how stunning you thought my photos were.

I wanted nothing more than to stand next to you for longer with the morning sun warm on our backs. Just to chat about anything with you. It was an opportunity to study you. Your hair was all tucked up in a beanie exposing your entire face. A face that was completely clear of any make-up, so flawless and natural. Your cheeks glowed rosey red from your run. I watched your pink lips when you talked to me and your touch on my arm clicked something unfamiliar inside of me but nevertheless a feeling that felt so comforting.

When I returned home, I mentioned to Mum that I had seen you again. She didn't remark at the time but later told me she was surprised I mentioned it as I meet new people all the time and never mention them. She sensed that I was intrigued by you.

I spent the rest of that day working out how I was going to see you again.

My love is always yours, H .x

PS: Don't think I didn't notice your pert derriere in the air as you stretched out at the gate!

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