Chapter 13

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Yuki's POV

Well, the rest of February went well, and soon it was March. Dreaded March, my b-day month. It's coming up fast, since it's tomorrow!!!

It's upon me, the dreaded day of my birth. It's tomorrow, and I HOPE GAARA DOESN'T FIND OUT!! I hate that day. Nothing bad happened, I just don't like that day, most likely because of how many times I've had to celebrate it without my family.

I looked at the calendar, and thanked god that they didn't have my b-day on it. Of course I didn't live here, but still. Then the dreaded happened. I got a message. I almost died when I saw the seal. It was the Uchiha seal.


"What?" Temari asked.

"Nothing" I opened it and read it,out loud.

'Happy March 17.

I love you sis., I'm sorry I left you behind. I needed to get stronger to avenge our clan. Don't try to track me using this, because it won't work.

I love you, and Happy birthday

Love Sasuke'

I felt a tear run down my face. I was crying. I sat there a sec when i got another message. It was also the Uchiha seal, only with a small line through it. I giggled.


"Who?" Kankuro asked.

"No one" I said and read the message, out loud again.

'Hey baby sis.

I know I always send you B-day cards. I want you to know I love you even though I tried to kill you. I wanted to say that I'm glad you where born on March 17th. Because it's the best time of year for a beautiful Uchiha female to be born.

Love you sis


I felt more tears. My brothers still loved me. They still wanted to say they loved me. They wanted to wish me a Happy Birthday.

"Your birthday's tomorrow." SHIT!!! GAARA FOUND OUT.

"I read the letters out loud didn't I?"


"Damn Fucking Shit"

"What's wrong?"

"I never have liked my birthday. I have no reason to. But. oh well." I turned and licked Gaara's neck, I felt him get tense and smirked.

"You know, you can be the one that makes my birthday the best."

"I don't think he wants an STD" It was Matsuri.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to see Gaara."

"Get out bitch. He doesn't want you here, And Uchiha's don't have STD's. And FYI. I'M A VIRGIN!" I said, proudly.

"That's a lie."

"I'm a slut for a reason, but I don't screw every guy I see. I just play with their minds, not them." I glared, walked upstairs, and slammed the door, with force.

"Matsuri, out." Gaara didn't like it.


----Next Day----

I woke up to a stuffed bunny with sharingan eyes and the 'Ai' kanji on it's tummy, and it was holding a note.

'Meet me on the roof birthday girl.

I know you don't want anyone celebrating it, but I never wanted anyone to celebrate mine, so we're gonna celebrate yours.


I felt my tummy flip. I brought my bunny up to the roof.

"Hey Gaara-Baby"

"Hey Yuki."

"What's up?

"This" He held out a strawberry ice cream in the shape of Matsuri's head. The candle was a kunai coming out her head. "Think that your eating her soul and she's dying slowly and painfully." He blushed a bit.

"I love it Gaara!!!" I said, kissing him on the cheek.

"Um, Yuki, I hope it's okay, but I told the village you were going to sing today, is that okay with you?"


"Great." He gave me a loving hug.

--Later Gaara's POV--

Well, it was time for Yuki to sing. She was standing on the stage in a dark purple ball gown with short sleeves that split between straps and draping straps and white gloves. She looked beautiful.

She looked at everyone in the village, saw me and winked, causing me to blush. Then she opened her mouth to sing.

When she finished everyone was cheering. I smiled. She sounded great, and looked beautiful still. Later that night she went to sleep, and still looked innocent.

"She looked great singing" Shukaku said.


"Can't wait till you tell her you love her"

'It won't be soon, I'm not ready to tell her yet, and won't be for a while'


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