Chapter 26

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Yuki's POV

I got up and walked out. I missed Gaara. It hasn't even been a full day yet. I really wish he was here. I went to the Kage tower. Tsunade looked at me and smiled.

"Yuki, I have good news and bad news." She said.

"Good news first please."

"We might have found a way to get Sasuke. Sasori had a spy in Orochimaru's ranks."

"Bad news is?"

"I sent them without you." I curled in a ball.

"W-Where'd they go?" I asked.

"Tenchi bridge. They most likely aren't there yet. Go to them. Help get Sasuke back." She blinked and I was gone. I made it to them in about an hour. Who were the new guys?

"YUKI! YOU SLUT!" Naruto walked over to punch me, but I stepped out of the way.

"Who are you?" This guy? Who was he?

"Yuki Uchiha." His eyes grew. He was kinda creepy.

"I'm captain Yamato. I'm Kakashi's replacement at the moment." I nodded and shook hands.

"Well aren't you the sluttiest." This black haired guy said. I turned to him with an anime vein.

"And you are?"


"Oh. I thought your name was DEAD!" I punched him and he went flying. "I'm not a slut anymore." Sakura nodded. I don't know when the hell this happened but I've been becoming friends with a lot of the girls who hated me.

"Hey, aren't you an ANBU?" I looked at Yamato. He was ANBU to, but he was undercover for a reason, I'd keep it that way.

"Yes. Yes I am." I stretched as Sai came back.

"So. You guys might know where Onii-sama is?" They all nodded and Naruto clenched his fists.

----2 days later----

We made it to the bridge. I smiled and walk up to the front of our group.

Yamato changed into Sasori and did his job. Then Kabuto tried to kill him and Orochimaru came out. Naruto went 4-tailed Kyuubi. I started to grow claws and fangs, but something stopped me, I fell asleep.

Chika's POV

Yes! I was out. I began to grow my ears and tail as my eyes became blue.

I wasn't boy crazy, and this Orochimaru pissed me off. All the pain that Yuki went through. The pain she literally went threw. She had actually tried to kill herself a few times because of this guy. I walked over and Orochimaru seemed to stop. The last time he saw me was when I had fought him in the middle of a mission. And this was way before Yuki was born. I got closer and he stepped back.

He attacked Naruto and he went flying back to the bridge. Sai came out and started to talk to Orochimaru. They looked at me and took me with them, saying that Yuki'd be able to see Sasuke, this kinda wasn't fair, I didn't get to kill anyway. Oh well

Yuki's POV

I woke up and I was in Sai's arms.

"PUT ME DOWN DAMMIT IT! WHAT'S GOING ON!" I saw Orochimaru and realized that this could help me see Sasuke. I started to jump with them. We got to the hide out and I walked in. I hadn't seen Sasuke in so long. How much has he changed? I walked in and saw this figure, with the sharingan.

"O-Onii-s-sama?" He looked at me and his eyes softened for about a second.

"What are you doing here?" His voice was harsh. Cold. I didn't answer because he left with Orochimaru.

----3 hours later.---

Naruto was looking up at Sasuke. I just ran in and actually saw him in whole, in the light. He had grown, a lot. He jumped down and was about to kill Naruto, but I got in the way.

"Yuki. Get out of the way." I looked at him. His eyes were cold, he was cold. He wasn't the Sasuke that sent me messages on my birthday. Not the one that said he was sorry to Sakura. Had he really changed so much in such a little time.

"O-Onii-sama." I started to cry. This wasn't my brother. I lost them all. Itachi, now Sasuke. I couldn't handle this. I just couldn't.

"Yuki! Move!" He shoved me to the ground, a fallen part of the wall going threw my leg. I screamed in pain. Not physical pain though. Emotional. I took the piece of wall out and limped over to Sasuke. "Yuki! Stay away!" I got closer and grabbed his arm.

"Sasuke, please. I don't wanna lose another brother." I looked at him and his eyes never changed once. They were still hateful.

"Yuki? What is it you want?" He hissed.

"Isn't it obvious? I want my big brother's back. I want you back. I want Itachi back." Sasuke's eyes narrowed and he slapped me.

"He's not our brother." I looked at him. He didn't understand.

"Yes he is. Why? Why won't you let us try to make you stronger?"

"Because, I've severed all of my bonds. The only one I have now is with Itachi. And it's of hatred!" I fell to the ground, holding onto his arm, balling.

"You-you're l-lying. You still have a bond with m-me." He threw me again. I hit a wall and blacked out. The last thing I saw was Sasuke burning away.

I woke up in the hospital next to Kakashi.

"You okay Yuki?" I shook my head and held my sides to support myself. I was still crying. I found one of Sasuke's snakes and sent it back to him with a message to him from me. I needed to know if he meant it or not.

Naruto came in, with a surprise for me. A note from Gaara.

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