Chapter Nine

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Pewds POV 

As I walked through the airport, I couldn't help but feel really guilty.  Last night I said yes and this morning i'm leaving.  But it is for our own good right? I hope so. I boarded my plane to go back to Sweden. I got out my phone and sent a quick text to Cry saying I was sorry.  Because truly I was, I was sorry that I had to leave before he fell to hard and wouldn't be able to get over me. I am in the midst of despair and I may be making wrong judgments.  How ever much I wish it wasn't bad, it most likely was. 

The plane turbulence woke me up, right about the time we were landing. When we landed and I walked down that path of shame to get back to the airport, my phone blew up with texts and calls from Cry. I ignored them all, knowing I had made the right decision and that he'd be over me soon enough. I grabbed the bus home and did a short vlog, trying to sound as chipper as possible, to not give away any hints as what this past week has contained. It seems as though Marzia hasn't updated them either, so I wont quite yet. I arrived to my empty home and unlocked the door. I walked in and broke. I fell to the floor and cried and cried. My heart feeling like it was breaking into a million little pieces. Where you had to cover you mouth so that you wouldn't have to hear yourself scream and cry. It was one of those where it seems like you could feel the world spinning and crumbling around you. Where all you thought of were your mistakes in life. I sat there crying on the floor of my living room for what seemed like forever. Then the doorbell rang.

Crys POV

I woke up to the sun shining on a beautiful Saturday morning Although the sun shining was alarming, sense I normally wake up before it peaks. I looked at the clock that read 12:10pm. Shit! How did I sleep in this long? I must've stayed up to late talking to Pewds and not even realized it. Pewds! He probably was super bored or lost or something like that. What am I thinking he's a grown man with GPS on his  phone. I got up and threw on some clothes and my mask; the comfort was still there. I grabbed my phone and shoved it in my pocket. I walked to the guest room to look for Pewds but he wasn't there. Nor was he in the kitchen, bathroom, or living room. Where was he? Maybe he went to look at the city? But why would he do that alone? I pulled my phone out of my skinny jeans pocket and saw I had a text from him. It read "I'm Sorry.." Sorry? Why was he sorry? I texted him back what but the message wouldn't deliver to him. Which also didn't make any sense. Where was he? I called him once, twice, even three times with straight to voicemail or no reception. This was getting really weird.  I ran up to the guest room and checked the drawers. Empty.. I read the message again and that's when it hit me. Pewds left home for Sweden! I freaked inside. Why, why would he ever do that? I called him again, over and over again until my phone was on critical battery. I went to the fridge and grabbed a few beers and trudged over to my laptop. He uploaded something to youtube. 

And that's when it was confirmed, Pewds was in Sweden, and he sounded really happy. Was this a joke? A sick prank to play on me? What the hell was happening. I kept drinking and my heart kept getting sadder. That's when i decided it was time to visit Felix and to get some BIG answers i really needed. 

I drove to the nearest airport and asked for the next flight to Sweden. It didn't come until 6 and it was 5:15 right now. I still said yes and went through airport security, which was super easy considering i didn't have any luggage.  I was waiting for the plane and drinking an obsessive amount of coffee trying to sober up. After my 5th or 6th cup they called the boarding for my plane and I rushed to get on. I left with one person, but I planned to come back with 2.

Pewds POV

Ding Dong... Who could that be? Ding Dong.. Why are they so persistent? Gosh i'm coming. Dingdongdingdong..


I opened the door and my jaw dropped at the sight. It was Marzia My- no not my - Marzia. 

"W-why are y-you here?" The words hiccuped out and I remembered I had been crying.

"I missed you! and from the looks of it it looks like you've missed me! I'm sorry for what I did." She got closer and tried to hug me. Not happening. 

"Woah-woah-woah-no." I backed away from her no matter how hard it was. 

"What do you mean no?" It sounded more angry then sad, which made the fury inside me burn more. Who does she think she is? I'm just a toy she comes back to when shes lonely and I just realized that. 

"I mean no, i'm not going to forgive you. Yes, you're right, I have missed you, but I can't go back with a girl whose cheated on me, I can't go back with you because i am in love with somebody else!" I didn't mean for that last part to come out. But it did and now i'm screwed. 

"Who?!" Marzia yelled, waayy angrier than before.. 

"Nobody you need to know of, you're leaving now. Goodbye" I started to shut the door when she begged me to wait. This conversation hurts my heart, and it makes me feel completely alone now that I had left Cry.

"Felix, can I have 1 last hug? Please.." I signed and was opening my mouth to say no, when a part of me stopped myself. Who knows when i'll really ever have human contact again. 

"Okay, but it must be short." I opened the door and gave her a hug, and when I was pulling back and shutting the door, she stuck her head in and kissed me. It was jaw dropping, and just how i remembered it, but with a twinge of guilt. I said yes to Cry, and here I am.. God if he had ever saw that he'd-

"Pewds?"  Wait..that's not Marzia..

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