Chapter 24

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Pewds POV

Today was the day. Today was the day both of our lives changed for the better, and for the worst. I haven't seen him all day. We decided to play it by the rules of normal marriage, and were not going to let the groom see the groom today. Well until then. This was seriously it. The day we had both been wanting since the day we met. We both decided we would record it, and show the fans then and also tell them the other big news then too. Knowing they would be super excited, we had 0 worries for any of this.

Getting ready was somewhat too easy, I zoomed and was ready way way way before I had to be. This was something new, I had never been one to be super early.. Normally on time or super late. This was infact though, something I didn't mind being early for. I was excited. We both decided to have everybody walk down the aisle, and both of us come out from the back at the same time. So then there was no "bride" Just two grooms very happily getting married. 

I was glad to know that Ryan was early too, I could tell because he was now sending me messages via  cards and our flower boy. The cards were silly, telling me how much he loved me, and how much he couldnt wait for tonight. He was absolutely ludicrous for sending these, but I loved every one and knew I would cherish marrying this man for as long as I lived. It was 3:45 now, and then wedding started at 4. I took my place behind the alter with a chair, and somehow I knew Ryan was doing the same. We were almost identically lately, and it was good and bad. We agreed a lot, but when we argued, man we had some pretty vibrant points of view. He was in fact my soul mate, and since both of our parents were okay with this, his parents flew up to see the wedding and mine drove. Of course, a few of our grandmothers were agaisnt coming because of obvious sad reasons. But no matter, I loved them just the same, just now knew their views are completely incorrect. I was getting nervous now, as we were 5 min. from the starting time and you never knew when it would st-

I was cut of by music. The ceremony was begging and I saw people start heading down the aisle. We didn't invite many people, but we did invite the people we knew and loved. It was so beautiful, all of it. The girls dresses and hair and smile, and the boys grinning ear to ear looking at their loved one with pride. It was magically to watch it all unfold. Before I could tell, tears were flowing down my face and it was almost time for me to start walking. I got up and fixed myself up, attempting to rid the tears from my face. 

And then, like time both stopped and sped ahead and light speed, We were getting married. I walked out there, noticing Ryan also had tears wiped of his face. I smiled and then noticed everything I was blind to before. He looks absolutely handsome, and I just wanted to run over and hug him.  I walked, with a little less pace then I probably should have, admiring everything about him and this moment. It was picture perfect, seemingly in slow motion I fell even more in love with him. Standing across from him holding his hands, the priest started reading off everything. 

It was gorgeous. Everything. Our vows were short and sweet, and then came the moment everything stops dead. "You may kiss the groom." 

We kissed, and like in the cartoons, we were lifted into the air with little hearts floating around us and fireworks going off. It was amazing and swept me off of my feet. The kiss ended and we turned and smiled. All of our family and friends were there, clapping and smiling as we looked down on them. I looked at Cry and couldn't believe I had married the man of my dreams. 

Crys POV

The dinner and such was nice. Felix and I danced our asses off and so did all of our guests. The food was spectacular and I swear I fell in love with him more and more every time the song changed and he got all excited like a little puppy. He was my soulmate, through and through, and I couldn't believe I would be with him for the rest of my life. With our little girl on the way, I knew neither of us could wait. The reception was almost over now, the kids were all tired out, and so were all of the adults. We had taxis come and pick up the drunk so that everybody could get home safe. Then we drove home. Felix had stayed sober, but I didn't drink as much as I probably would have a year ago. We drove home, tired and exhausted from the night. 

I think the thought of everything that was supposed to happen tonight was floating in the back of our heads, we knew what normally happened and I had a feeling we were both pretty terrified.. 

(Short little AN* Im probably not going to write smut, it is not at all my strong suit, as much as I wish it was for times like this, Ill start it off probably and then maybe do something the next morning, but these scenes are not really my forte. Sorry?)

We arrived home, trudging through the door, exhausted yet, somehow excited for what was to come. Neither of us had done it like this before (bxb) so we were pretty shy to say the least. Walking up to the bedroom, we were both giggling and laughing, with the silence of wonder looming in the background. 

Going into the bedroom, we slowly moved into it, and soon enough it became less of a fear. This was with the man I love, and it would be okay. 

A Journey Through Time. (PewdieCry) (bxb)Where stories live. Discover now