Chapter 25

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**Hola, I am back from the dead. I am going to try and finish this up so I can move on with my life and get this story finished . I started this story back in 2014 I think and yet here we are and I still have not even finished it yet. But its gotten bigger then I could have ever imagined and I am so thankful for  that! It doesn't matter if you enjoyed the story or thought it could use work (it was literally my first piece of writing ever!) I've been working hard on schooling (only to do worse go figure) and really kinda lost this book in my life. I am gonna try and get it done for all of you and for me. Thank you! **

Pewds POV

I woke up to a blinding light, which would mean that we probably left the blinds open. But who can blame us, with a night like that, why would anybody remember to close the blinds? I looked over and saw Cry, curled up in a ball right beside me. I smiled and remembered the amazing night we had together. Even better yet, the day we had together was wonderful. I turned my head to look at the bedside table and picked up my ring. Putting it on my finger, I started to realize that me and Ryan were married. Bonded for life and even just that thought put the biggest smile on my face. 

Then, as fast as light I remembered that today we got our baby girl. I jumped up and out of bed, accidentally waking up Cry. I heard a dreary "Hi" come from him as he sat up, rubbing his eyes. I said a quick hi back and ran back to the bed to give him a small kiss. I then walked over to my dresser and started to look for clothes to wear today. 

"What are you doing up this early?" Cry groaned as he looked at the clock, which read 5:45 am.

"Today is the day." I responded a little bit too fast, the words came out jumbled but, by the look on Crys face, he had understood exactly what I said. He stood up, almost as quick as I had answered, and did the same thing I was doing. We both showered and tried to look as presentable as possible. We walked down our hallway and sat on our kitchen stools. Waiting in anticipation for that doorbell to ding and our lives change forever. Me and Cry have gone through a lot of changes together. This is just one more, the last one for a while actually. After we get our baby girl we get to watch her grow. Become fathers and a family and achieve everything anybody dreams of.  We get to meet her, and finally find out her name and everything about her. Today is the day we make the best impression. Today is our day. 

Ding Dong

Me and Cry sprung out of our seats as quick as we possibly could. We walked quickly up to the door and he put his hand up to the doorknob, when he paused. I think the moment froze in our minds. We looked at each other and smiled. This was the moment our lives changed forever.  Cry opened the door. We were greeted by a lady dressed in a dark blue uniform and by a little girl. She was beautiful, with long wavy blonde hair for her age. We invited them in and me and Cry noticed that she had big blue eyes as well. The lady had us sign some papers to make everything final and we got to learn more about her. Her name was Sadie and she was 4. She was just about to go into school. The lady thanked us for doing this, and wished us luck while handing us her card. She said goodbye to Sadie and told her that this would be her new home before leaving. The room got quiet but not an uncomfortable quiet. We both looked down at our little girl and smiled. She smiled back. Cry invited her to the living room to sit right next to him. She went without complaint. 

Crys POV

Sadie was quiet, she didn't say much at first. It was probably just nerves but either way I know we are going to do our best to make her happy. I offered to have her sit on the couch. She sat down on the couch and looked up at me. I invited Pewds over and he sat right next to me. I took his hand and for the first time I took my eyes of Sadies blue eyes to look at his blue eyes. He smiled at me and we both turned towards Sadie again. She got up suddenly and we both kinda jumped at her movement, but she got up inbetween me and Pewds sitting on both of our laps. I asked her if she wanted to watch some tv. She nodded her head yes and I clicked the remote on. We sat there all day, watching kids cartoons. This was indeed, the happiest day of our lives. 

 The End! (thank you for being here with me! ily)

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